Neighbors petitions to get rid of vacations rentals in Paso Robles

Level 2
Paso Robles, CA

Neighbors petitions to get rid of vacations rentals in Paso Robles

There are over 300 vacation rentals in Paso Robles area. The City of Paso Robles formed a "task force" approximately 2 years ago to crack down on "issues" with unlicensed operators and a bunch of other very mundane issues. They have basically only been working on putting together a "Good Neighbor Brocheure" and an emergency ordinance, which lists about 20-30 pages of rules for vacation rentals and homestays. I have attended several of the meetings held that are trying to "revise" the emergency ordinancebefore they present it to the City Council next week. There are only a select few neighbors that are trying to run ALL vacation rentals out of Paso Robles. They have attended all of the meetings and have constantly voiced their opinions and disgust. There are not many hosts or vacation rental owners at these meetings. I know, I have attended several of them. These grouchy residents set up tables and signs at Walmart today (4/14) obtaining signatures for their petiton banning VRBO, Airbnb and any other vacation or home stay operation/business. I do not know how to inform any other Airbnb hosts in my area or get in touch with our Airbnb representative for our area. This is serious though. These complaining neighbors will be the majority vote if word doesnt get out to ALL of the Airbnb and hosts in my area. Can someone from Airbnb please update, email and inform all of their hosts to attend the City Council meeting and voice their opinion. WE NEED HELP FROM AIRBNB to get the word out!

2 Replies 2
Level 1
Atascadero, CA

My wife and I would be willing to go to a meeting. We are trying to list a property right now in Paso. 


I have the listing completed in Airbnb, but now I assume I need to get the proper permits and business license? Do you happen to know the process for this? 

Hi Jacob260, I apologize for my delayed response. I just saw your message this morning. Paso Robles is getting ready to finalize an Ordinance which will BAN all vacation rentals in R-1 zones. If you don't have a business license already, I am unsure if you will be able to obtain one at this point. I believe you would have to wait until July 19, 2019 to submit an application for a "permit". The City is phasing out any existing vacation rentals and they will be completely be banned within the next 24 months. The City Council will be meeting to finalize this Ordinance on June 18, 2019.  A number of "hosts' and home owners have come together and started a petition to "Save Paso". Please go to this link and sign it so we can present as many signatures as we can to the City at the next meeting. Here is the link: