Overall Rating & Category Rating

Level 1
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Overall Rating & Category Rating

My guest personally claimed that he gave me all 5 stars, but it ends up the 'Overall Rating' is only 4 stars.


I'm wondering how it works? Because I thought the Overall Rating shall be calculated by a formula based on all Category Rating, for example like: 30/6 = 5 stars.


Overall Rating shall not be rated by Guest anymore, because the mistake they've done during rating it, they cannot undo it & it affects the Host's listing rating unreasonably. 


Anyone knows or experience this before?

Top Answer
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Your guest will have rated you 4 stars overall. Perhaps they made a mistake.


Where the guest has admitted on messaging they made a mistake then Airbnb will sometimes alter the rating.


Call them.

View Top Answer in original post

70 Replies 70



.... Are Airbnb going to take note of all the threads on this subject and fix the system?

Well, I've just come off the phone to Airbnb about the same issue. I personally met recent guests on departure and absolutley no issues. A glowing report and 5 STARS across all 6 categories and then an overall 4 star review. It's like saying you get 6 A's in an exam but we'll give you a B. Thanks God for a right of reply. (in a polite manner)


I've had it happen.  If the guest leaves the category "respects house rules" blank, it will take a 5 star review down to 4.  I would call airbnb.

Level 2
Evanston, IL

This is where it doesn't make sense to me as well. The same thing happened to me multiple times where guests rated full 5 stars in all the sub-categories, and somehow mistakenly/intentionally dinged me on the overall rating to be 4.


I really wish Overall Rating should be auto-calculate to be based on sub-categories. Like other public forums, AirBnB moderators SHOULD take note of this and provide a fix. 




Absolutely, this should have been fixed 5years ago. 

Level 5
St Paul, MN

I have also received a 4 star rating even though the guest gave 5 stars for each category and left a glowing review. 4-star for location is the most common and confusing bad score. We live in a quiet, clean, nice neighborhood only a few minutes' drive from multiple restaurants and stores and the highway that gets travelers to the most common destinations in our city within 15 minutes.  It makes no sense. 

I would call them.  It happened to me and airbnb said it was because the guest left the category "respects house rules" blank.

Level 2
San Ramon, CA

Replying to this post to express my issues with this system, as all of you have done.


I also agree that the Overall star rating should be an average of the other 6 category ratings. The main culprit here seems to be that guests do not know the justifications of each category. Airbnb has tried to communicate that ratings should be based on accuracy (i.e. objectivity), but 99% of guests seem to be rating based on "gut feeling", for the lack of a better word.


For example,  we don't have a TV for one of our listings, and we express. We've even gone to lengths to say "do not book this if you are expecting a TV". Why should the listing be penalized for not having a TV when it is explicitly stated that it does not? The same goes for location. Why should the guest be disappointed about the location when they had the opportunity to research this ahead of time before dropping big money on a reservation?


Furthermore, I have seen much discussion on having 5 stars in all the categories, but still receiving a 4 star overall. I think this issue comes down to the same problem of subjective "gut feelings". Based on the categories, the place may have been a 5 star but there may have been one tiny detail that threw the guest off that may not have been able to fit in a strict category.


Our role as hosts is to provide honest details about the listing and allow the consumer sufficient details to decide if it is right for them. I think Airbnb gives a bit too many concessions to the guests. Below, I have attached photos of some reviews that I feel were misguided and therefore a little unfair.


 Solution: Make the overall rating a non-rateable item (calculated average)


I'd love to hear more discussion on this topic, as it is one that I believe Airbnb should address.




Calculated avg: 4.33; our average response rate is also 100%, with a response time of 1 hour.Calculated avg: 4.33; our average response rate is also 100%, with a response time of 1 hour.Calculated  avg: 5.0Calculated avg: 5.0

Level 2
Denver, CO

It’s Air BNB’s continuous way to scam you out of getting Superhost. They’ve been doing this to me for years. Superhost is like an Urban Legend these days. They do everything in their power to ensure you don’t get it!

And the moderators here are probably superhosts and "badge protectors."  I AGREE!!!!

Airbnb told me the reason why I got 4 stars on my stay is because the guest left the category "respects house rules" blank.

Level 2
Denver, CO





Call airbnb.  This happened to me and they said it was because the guest left "respects house rules" blank.

Level 2
Lower Beeding, United Kingdom

I am also frustrated with the rating as have had more than 5 instances of all five stars and then a 4 overall and with rave reviews saying how they are looking forward to coming back.  A few years ago  the overall rating was dictated by the lowest review in all the categories.  I received 5 stars for all except a 2 for communication (there was a dispute as the guest claimed to have paid Airbnb for 2 nights but had in fact only paid for one which Airbnb resolved).  Even though the 2 star rating is less than 0.5% it still shows as 1% of all reviews gave me a 2.  Basic maths? 

Level 1
Melbourne, Australia

I got the same situation. The guest gives all 5 stars on each category. But the overall review is 4 stars.

Also sometimes,  one guest stays one month give overall rates is 5 stars. But the next guest only stays two days give 4 stars. then my overall rates will be affected dramatically.  Airbnb rating system should be reform to reflect the real value of the property. It should also consider the days the gusts stay.
