Payout amount differences

Level 1
Altersberg, Austria

Payout amount differences

My base rate is 95 euros per night, but my payout rate is 80 euros. There is also an amount taken out as a service fee....does this mean that I am paying AirBNB 15 euros per night and then an additional fee?. charges 12% . What percentage of the gross amount is this? 

what is the difference between base price 95 and nightly price 80......

I also have a second apartment in the same property available. How do I add that secong apartment so that the listing does not show fully booked when it is not






A. gaivoto

2 Replies 2

Airbnb charges the host 3% of the base so 95 euros would cost 2 euro 85 and your payout should be 92 euro 15. Do you have a discount for longer stays? My $210 per night fee changes to $187 per night if a guest books for a full week. I took a look at and saw a commission fee of 17.6% based not only on the nightly fee, but on taxes. Perhaps these websites have different fees for different countries.

Level 2
Melbourne, Australia

I set the entire month to $99 per night. I rented my apartment for 3 nights and received $287. I have another guest a couple of weeks later and the payout was just $258. Why is that? Same price same length of time, wildly different payout.