Price changes

Level 1
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Price changes

I have not set my Pricing to Smart Pricing. Yet I am receiving less than what I set the price at.


Also, I set to increase my rate by a pound but it still shows the old pricing.


Any  help?


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Oakland, CA

Might it be because they are inquiring about a stay that triggers your % discount on longer stays ?

Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Janine41,


One reason why we receive less than the price we set is that Airbnb deducts fees from the host.

Depending on the discrepancy, this may explain why you're receiving less.


They also operate a rounding mechanism as they never use fractions of the currency unit, always a whole number of £, $, € etc.

so an adjustment of £1 may not be enough to always increase the ammount you get, especially if any currency conversion is also involved.


The link below has information about finding a breakdown of charges for your reservations.




You can find more information by using the help function to search for "fees"


If this doesn't explain the difference then you'll have to contact Airbnb and ask them.



