I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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Hello All,
I left a negative review and thumbs down for a guest. I would admit that the negative review simply stated that the guests did not comply with house rules.....that's it.
I didn't go into detail as, I was still very very new and didn't know how to leave one, but was instructed through the community that that was sufficient.
just some background info. Below is a list of the house rules broken
1. Guest smoked on the property and left cigarette butts and cigarette burns on a few items (have photo proof)
2. Had glass beer bottles in the pool area
3. Broke two plates (have photos of damage)
4. brought in 3 additional guests without permission
5. one of the unauthorized guests brought in a dog and left the dog poop in the yard (have photos of damage)
I looked to see that this gentleman was still able to book on ABB. How is this possible?
I guess he was able to make up a story (to future hosts), since I didn't leave much detail in my review.
For instance, he said the dog was a service dog.....yeah right!!
Now I look like a crazy neurotic host on his profile. Look down my reviews for Arthur.
I thought that ABB would remove my review, if the things listed above were said. How could I have
done a better job at reviewing these offenses?
Thank you in advance for responding
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@Felicia48 A thumbs down review does not automatically get someone kicked off the platform. It does interfere with the ability to book using IB with some hosts. You didn't want to remove the review, right? I was confused by @Alexandra316 post. The best place to find what will cause the removal of a review is in the Content Policy. Reviews do not have to be factual per se as many opinions don't stick to the facts, but they cannot be defamatory. You will find the policy in the Help Center.
Some hosts will ignore a negative review and may have your same experience. No single review for either a host or guest will have the immediate effect but multiple reviews will have an effect over time. If your review is fairly vague, some host might contact you for details before deciding to accept him as a guest.
@Felicia48 I don't see a review from an Arthur.
You could contact Airbnb and ask them to remove your review, but I don't know that that is better. Hopefully a host will take it to heart before hosting him in future.
I truly appreciate all the responses.
@Alexandra316 No I do not want to remove the review. I want other hosts to see what review I have left for Arthur, including the thumbs down. I’m trying to see if it’s worth it to hosts. No he did not leave a review, not surprised, he has been made aware of All the damages.
@Linda108 The title should have read, “ mean anything to Hosts”! Very helpful Linda, thank you!! So how I understand it....right now out of 9 reviews, mine is the only negative.....therefore no impact to Arthur. He already has a few reviews after mine that are positive. Is that correct?
Since he did not leave a review on your profile, I cannot link over to his profile to see the reviews. According to what you are stating, either his behavior with you was a one time deal, or the other hosts are just being non-confrontational. I have seen many posts by host that do not want to cause problems for a guest or fear some sort of retaliation. The review system is as good as the contributors, host or guest. Kudos to you for being honest.
@Felicia48 A thumbs down review does not automatically get someone kicked off the platform. It does interfere with the ability to book using IB with some hosts. You didn't want to remove the review, right? I was confused by @Alexandra316 post. The best place to find what will cause the removal of a review is in the Content Policy. Reviews do not have to be factual per se as many opinions don't stick to the facts, but they cannot be defamatory. You will find the policy in the Help Center.
Some hosts will ignore a negative review and may have your same experience. No single review for either a host or guest will have the immediate effect but multiple reviews will have an effect over time. If your review is fairly vague, some host might contact you for details before deciding to accept him as a guest.
Some hosts will ignore a negative review and may have your same experience. No single review for either a host or guest will have the immediate effect but multiple reviews will have an effect over time. I
I beg to disagree.
No single thumbs down will have an impact on a GUEST.
However a single bad review can have a serious impact on bookings for a host. Especially if you are new and don't have a lot of reviews. The bad reiew sits on your listing forever and taints it, you will never be able to quantify the impact but there is one for sure.
I had a new host contact me, via an inquiry about a guest from last March that I gave a 5* and would welcome back. She wanted to make sure it was a real review. I was like WTF of course it was a real review, but she had been burned by another guest with 2 nice reviews and wanted to be sure before booking them. They were my very first AirBnB guests and military, wonderful low maintence guests. This is just an example of why honest reviews are really needed.
I have also had the case with an extremely high maintenance demanding guest who tried to extort money using the threat of the bad review. I could not believe that her prior hosts had given her good,problem free reviews. I'm sure she has done this everywhere she stays, it was very polished and not her first performance. I wanted to reach out to past hosts as well just like that person did to you, but was told it's against TOS.