Request on a blackout date

Level 1
Naples, FL

Request on a blackout date

We just received a booking request from someone on a date that is not available because we have those dates blacked out because we have family staying with us during that time. The dates In question are Sunday, March 31 through Monday, April 1. Is there anything that you can do on your end since we did not have those dates available at that time in the first place.

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Will240 


Firstly, you are posting in a community forum of hosts and guests not monitored by Airbnb. If you want to speak to Airbnb best to give them a call or post on their social media.


Guests shouldn't be able to make a request if your dates are blocked, but may have made an inquiry (have a look at Airbnb Help Centre for details of how both work.


If it's an enquiry just message back and say the dates are unavailable on your calendar so you won't be able to accommodate them. You don't need to do anything else.