My trip was cancelled due to insufficient funds three days ago (25th of April), yet I recieved no information when the payment would be withdrawn from my account (I had two payments), nor any information that it had been cancelled. How does Airbnb's policy work regarding informing guests when they need to pay the full amount?
Surely the system cannot be set up in such a way that guests are expected to have the full amount avaliable at anytime, and not provide any information when they will be charged, or am I wrong? I spoke to the host and he said he had not recieved any information about the cancellation which got me thinking that maybe it is just a glitch.
Now having three days until departure, prices are much higher than when we originally booked so is it likely that I will be compensated by Airbnb (since I recieved no information of payment dates or cancellation) or is the fault on me?
Does anyone have any similar experiences or are able to provide some answers?