Reservation change

Reservation change

Hello community, I'm hoping for some advice.

One of my guests, a couple,  is coming in exactly 1 month and currently has a booking two weeks long. They requested to change the reservation to stay one week less because one of the guests traveling has landed a new job. We have a strickt canellation policy but that wont affect a change in reservation.

What would you do if you could potentially lose one week rental during mid season?

Thank you

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

How long ago did they book?


How likely are you to get another booking.


If you think you will struggle to rebook that week, I would advise that you won't be able to accept an alteration - but if the guest wants to cancel, then if you are able to rebook some or all of the time you would be happy to consider a refund for the 50% that would be witheld under the strict cancellation policy that they booked under.


In that way you are not out of pocket for a guests change of arrangement.