Even worse, your returning guests do not get credit for every thumbs-up you give them. They get one thumbs-up “recommended by other hosts” and after their first visit, it is the same as a thumbs-down. I have many returning guests that give me 5-stars and my status stays at 4.9, and their recommendation rate drops.
I have left a message with Airbnb. This is so unfair, but until it bubbles up in priority on the application improvement list, it is unfair to us and our guests.
I suggest you message Airbnb and let them know how single reviews for repeat hosting/guests is not representative of facts. If enough host do this, it may change. My next step is to let my returning guest know what is going on with the thumbs-up deal and hope they complain too.
I host because I love to host. My guests should not get a virtual thumbs-down because they chose to return to my space. Their enjoyment of my space each visit should count every visit, and my approval of them as guest should count for their every booking.