Review Policy Needs Change

Level 1
Flagstaff, AZ

Review Policy Needs Change

AirBnB needs to update their review policy. I have had a couple reviews in the past few months that have marked me down because the guest didn't bother to read my listing. This is really frustrating as a host. When I ask for the review to be removed, I get this... "I understand that it can look unfair for you as you have everything in your description and it is not your fault that your guest did not ready it" as a response. What a crock of bull, when even the person reviewing and denying my request states the obvious, yet it doesn't "break any content policy."


Why is it OK for a guest to be able to "harm" our business when the fault is on them for not reading everything before booking. I even STATE in the short description for my listing that guests need to read my entire listing before they book. This is so frustrating. The more that time goes on, the more I question whether the additional income is even worth the headache. More and more guests are behaving as if they are staying in a hotel and not someones home. Their expectations are completely unrealistic and they don't have any courtesy for their hosts. I cannot tell you how many times guest have chosen to show up at 11pm instead of my 8pm cutoff. Obviously this is not every guest, I have had some pretty fantastic guests. 


Sorry to rant on about this, I am just getting to my wits end. Who else is running into this more and more? I kinda feel like if enough of us speak up or start a petition AirBnb to update their policy to protect the host as well as the guest, that we might be listened to. Is it just me? I started hosting almost 5 years ago and loved it then, but the bigger AirBnb gets the more frustrated I get. 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Preaching or ranting to the choir, @Tyanna0 .  There are multiple long discussion threads about this very issue.  You wil see many, many kindred spirits.  😄