Reviews showing on account

Level 1
Denver, CO

Reviews showing on account

Overall I am very excited to be a relatively new Airbnb host.  My dilemna is as follows:  the person we hired to manage our property set our listing up under her name and this has resulted in several problems.  We have figured out how to morph from "her" listing of our property to "our" listing of the property.  However, this will take us through the first week of March 2019.  While we are still under her name all of the reviews and comments are going to her.  She is no longer managing the account (not since August) and we (the current managers and owners) are showing no commenets and/or reviews.  Is there some way to fix this?  Or, do we have to wait until all reservations are on our listing and her listing has been shut down?  I hope this is clear and we'd appreciate your thoughts.  Pam


*[Moved reply to make new topic – title updated]

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