Set price, but booked below price??

Level 1
Naples, NY

Set price, but booked below price??

We set our daily price and weekly and monthly, but somehow it was booked way below those prices.  I don’t understand how this happened.  We had smart pricing on, but it rented for 20% of our lowest acceptable price.  Any suggestions 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


My suggestion is to check your listing, as you have a special offer on it: 20% discount

It will also be added to your weekly (35%) and monthly (70%) discounts, so i suggest to change things asap, otherwise a guest will book your place for 1 month having 90% discount !

Best regards,


Level 1
Naples, NY

How do I remove the 20% discount.  I can’t find it?

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If it is a promotional discount from Airbnb, it should be in the calender of the listing, showing up as a "bagage label" icon. Click on it.

Best regards,
