Showers and blow drying hair late at night

Level 4
Prague, Czech Republic

Showers and blow drying hair late at night

ok with it, or not ok with it? discuss

33 Replies 33
Level 2
Kitchener, CA

It's a hygiene concern for some people and I don't go to bed at night until I showered, otherwise that's gross going into a nice clean bed with greasy dirty skin and maybe some body odours that will stink the bed. Stupid rules not to let people use the shower before bed... That's like not letting them use the wc if they have stomach issues because of possibly flatulence noise...

You don't set the rules, the host does. Quit thinking of AirBnB as a motel/hotel scenario. It is a community accomodation with discounts, perks and with that comes a different set of rules.

Level 2
Pascoe Vale South, Australia

Gross post TMI 


The posts are regarding consideration regarding noise and disturbance. 



Level 10
West Palm Beach, FL

It’s your home, you can make your own rules and request that guests respect your peace and quiet after 10pm meaning no showers, laundry or blow drying after that time 🙂