I am feeling under too much pressure to have to repond within 24 hours
I have already been penalised for not replying soon enough when in fact it was not my fault
There are dates blocked on my calendar because I did not receive a reply in time .
The person making the enquiry did not respond in time
It seems that the potentail guests do not relaise that we as hosts have to make a decision either way within 24 hours
I feel it would work better if there was another way -maybe another stage to the conversation ?
Maybe an enquiry only stage ?
Maybe a reminder sent to the guests to get them to respond within the time frame
"Do they want to book -yes or no?"
I do not use a cell phone & am not always available but I will check my emails at least 2 x day .
I am feeling that I may withdraw from using Airbnb for these reasons
I am on another site in New Zealand & that works much better -no pressure no penalties
What do others feel about this ?
I only have 1 cabin so it does not make a lot of money & I need to do other things to earn a living
Some guests do not understand this & think I am running a hotel business single handedly!
How can I make it easier for myself ?
It seems like a lot of work for such a small return