I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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I tell you, these guys are such a disappointment. I live in SF. We have to be certified with the city. I filled out the paperwork on AirBnB (such a favor) and sent my check to the city. This was in August, 2017, (for a change I get ahead of myself. ) I get a notice from the city in December that they have my check but no paperwork. I call AirBnb and they tell me the form was "incomplete." I ask "how could that be so if I got to the part to submit a check, since all web forms won't let you go on if you missed something. " He kept saying it was incomplete. When I asked for a copy it was "unavailable." Because of this and now a bathroom remodel without end (5 mos.) I haven't been able to rent all year. I'm relisting Feb 15th. I called and asked if I could have a photographer reshoot everything with the remodled bathroom and change of bedroom furniture. I was told "NO" This for a "superhost" my first year out, for all that means. Their lack of support is overwhelming. Thank you for letting me vent.
Sorry @Larry44 you are having difficulties getting your place listed.
However when it comes photographer costs Airbnb provide are a one-off, we can't expect them to provide additional photography when we remodel
I can understand you want to do redo your photographs, but photography isn't too expensive.Why not commission your own photographer specialising in interiors. The advantage you have is you get to brief the photographer, decide what images you want and if you asked for a shared copyright arrangement, you can choose how and where you use them.
You can also deduct it as an expense against your taxes.
Helen, the big issue is the first part of e-mail. They LIED to me. When I asked if the form was "incomplete" why wasn't I notified? They didn't have an answer to that one either. By not taking responsibility for THEIR screw up, they never offered me help in dealing with the city and since it was the end of the year when I found out, I had a thousand other things on my plate. I couldn't afford to spend a morning or afternoon at the Office of Short Term Rentals dealing with it. And now, they can't send a measly Photographer.
I don't work for Airbnb @Larry44 so I can't comment on what happened with your paperwork, I was just trying to offer my perspective as a host.
It's not clear from your post, what role Airbnb have to play in completing paperwork from your city?
There are quite a few other listing companies so if Airbnb doesn't work for you, then perhaps have a look at them.
Sorry if it wasn't clear, I filled out all the paperwork through
AirBnB and they obviously either lost it, but it never was submitted to the city like it was supposed to and they made all kinds of excuses that didn't add up, but never took responsibility like they should have.. That's all. They're really not very supportive, and yes, I plan to look at other venues.