Unfair reviews

Level 1
New York, NY

Unfair reviews

An otherwise lovely guest has marked me down on cleanliness in star ratings.  After politely asking if there was any issue - he told me that it was simply that the shower pressure could have been stronger... !  He readily admits that everything else was lovely, clean & fine!!!


It's not necessary for me to explain to anyone that potential guests look at cleanliness ratings before deciding on booking.   We bend over backwards to make  our space as clean and pleasant as possible, so this kind of review hurts!  We've even had previous guests, who were pissed off for not getting discounts or getting free extras (and were vocal about it), hit us with poor reviews.  This all affects business.


Any suggestions out there as to how to deal with such Mon-guesters?!





1 Reply 1

Hi @Martin1189  I would try and be as forthcoming about the current condition of your house and downplay the description as much as possible to lower guests expectations and to leaving room for them to feel surprised. Its seems you have a few guests that love what you have as well as what you do but l find by lowering the bar the disappointment shrinks considerably. Best to you.