We just had a family checked out, gave us 5 star review, ABB put 4 star on Clean

Level 5
Las Vegas, NV

We just had a family checked out, gave us 5 star review, ABB put 4 star on Clean

We just had a Beautiful family from Belgium check out, they were with us for 6 days, they loved our place and gave us a great review, but on the cleaness there was a 4 star,I contacted them on the AirBnB platform asking them to please exp[lain why there was a 4 star rating on cleaness, she said noway, she did give us 5 star all the way, I then called AirBnB and asked why they put the 4 star, they said the guest did it, they also read what the guest had wrote, saying they gave us 5 star all the way, AirBnB said they could see the message but that they could not change it, I even talked to a supervisor to no avail, I also had the same situatiion a few weeks ago with two beautiful ladies from Germany, they also gave us 5 stars thru-out, but on Communication it showed 4 star, believe me I speak German also and they spoke perfect English. I think this is very bad for our Superhost ratings, we take a lot of pride on our buisness.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Jack70 Don't sweat it... the guest probably did do it: it's easy to make a slip of the finger, and the process that the guest has to go through to rate you is super, crazy long.

The only number that matters when it comes to Superhost is the main rating they give you. It all evens out in the end.


If you want infuriating, let me tell you about the three guests who have given me 5 stars in every category then only 4 stars overall. Those are the ratings that will take away your Superhost status.

Level 5
Las Vegas, NV

Yes but the 4 stars on cleaness is not good no matter how you look at it.

Level 10
San Pedro, Philippines

100% guests did it. They could say "sorry, I just accidentally pressed 4 stars", but it's more easy to point the finger to another guy - Airbnb.


Have you experience the same in your school? Nothing has changed ever since. Those "never guilty" grew up and now traveling the world and staying at Airbnb places. And never take responsibility for their words and actions. It's Airbnb, government, magic is responsible for their own actions. It's because of Them! 


It's very hard to deal with people like that. As they do things behind your back. Try to message them Before they can give you a review. Say something like this "if you feel we deserve less than 5 stars, please communicate with me". And during the guest's stay send message "I hope you are enjoying your stay. If any problem, please message me". This is not a 100% solution, but might help. 


Write a meaningful and honest reply to their reviews. Nothing can beat a good, reasonable reply from the host, who takes care. 


4 stars on cleanliness is not bad score. Superhost status is not everything. Actually the more you host, the more it's difficult to maintain the Superhost status. Number of reviews and time are more beneficial than the Superhost status. 


Don't loose your motivation because of just few dishonest guys or those who feel self-importance and point the finger at someone else. It's the one, who continues to walk, will get into destination.