Wedding on the property during the pandemic

Wedding on the property during the pandemic

Our Airbnb host contacted us 2 days ago (12 days before our trip) that there will be a wedding of 80 people on the property during our stay. We no longer feel safe going. It's in a farm with three houses but the guest bathrooms are also located close to where we are staying at which means even more traffic around our place. She is asking me to cancel saying that she communicated with me there will be a wedding and I'm the one deciding not to go. Does Airbnb accept and approve of this? If a host throws a wedding during the pandemic at a property that you booked from two months ago are you as a guest expected to accept? Should the host not be responsible and and do the cancellation?


I'm pregnant, so my partner and I have not left home since mid March, we really needed to get out for a week and spent a lot of time finding a place that is in an open space (farm) while not too far from where we live so we don't have to use public bathrooms. I was so excited and looking forward to this trip, and now this! : (

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Firstly, what are the current laws regarding large gatherings in that area? If there is a potential that this wedding is in contravention of those laws, you would have  a strong case.


No, I don't think it's right for a host to announce something of this magnitude AFTER you booked and the 48 hour grace period has passed and then just expect you to like it or lump it. However, does the listing state anywhere that large events may be held on the property from time to time? I am not sure if the host technically needs to state this or not, but if they have, then you don't have much leeway to fight it.


Anyway, I would suggest you speak to Customer Services about this if you haven't already. Be prepared though, many people are reporting that responses are extremely slow at present.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It is not fair for the host to expect you to cancel when they are changing the terms of the booking IF the wedding guests will have access to any shared space. @Sepideh12 


Are they expecting you to share garden or other space with these guests including access routes to your property. If so you should be able to cancel penalty free, particularly if it is going to lead to excess noise.


If however, there is not shared access, I think it will be tougher. I agree the host should have mentioned that there would be an event, when you booked, or as soon as they were aware and given you the opportunity to cancel penalty free.