What happens whe you take booking for1 guest to be told it is 5

What happens whe you take booking for1 guest to be told it is 5

What happen if you take a booking for one guest to be told the day before it is infact 5

3 Replies 3
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Immediately send a message to the booking guest and require that the reservation be updated with the appropriate number of guest and the full names of all guests.  That assumes you can accommodate the 5 guests.  If you have extra fees for additional guests, the updated reservation will also be updated in terms of payment.


Be sure to emphasize that you need to have this completed or that guests will not be allowed to enter the space.  Be sure you or your representative are present to confirm the number and identity of guests.  Be sure to have communication via the Air BNB message system.  Good luck!!

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ



It depends on what your max number of guests is, if it's less than 5, you will need to tell the guest they can't bring 5 only X number, per the listing.  


If you have an extra guest fee, then the guest will have to make sure the 5 guests are on the reservation so the price is right.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Your listing shows an entire apartment suitable for max. 5 guests.

There is no charge for additional guests, but the the right number of people should be on the reservation.

You can change the reservation as mentioned here:


best regards,
