What is a counselor can do only telling me repeatedly, "It can't be done."

Level 2
Seoul, KR

What is a counselor can do only telling me repeatedly, "It can't be done."

Since August, I haven't received a text message from Airbnb. After a week, I asked Airbnb for help. The first answer was to upgrade the app.

However, I still could not receive texts.

After waiting a week again, I called again.

Then, I turned on the computer and tested it several times to check the homepage for symptoms.


After a tedious test, the cause of the symptoms was not found.


The counselor then spoke up again and again. Tired of the meaningless words that followed for more than ten minutes, I simply asked for a conclusion.

And the conclusion I heard from her ,


"Register another phone number and receive a text with it."

"The counselor cannot solve this problem."

"Don't expect a consultation from your counselor. (although, counselor will talk about it with her fellow)."


I told a counselor


"Don't you just report the system's problem to Airbnb's technical team and ask for a solution?"


The counselor answered, "It's something counselor don't."


I then asked what the counselor do.


The counselor said that her job is only to receive and respond to the host's request by text.



And, until the call ends,


"This is not your job."

"It's not your job to contact the technical team."

"I will only consult you by messenger."

"I don't solve this problem. But if you have a questions, use messenger.“


I don't know what it means to keep in touch with a counselor who doesn't do anything about texting.


The host should be ask to the counselor repeatly for geting answers like these:


"The problem cannot be solved."

"The problem is not the job of the counselor."


And I checked her name and hung up.

Unlike the call she sent me the following message



1) I passed this issue to the relevant team.

2) Under review

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