When to buy a new mattress

Level 4
Omaha, NE

When to buy a new mattress

I’ve had almost 100 guests this year. Most guests review the bed as comfy but a recent guest said it was soft and uncomfortable. It’s  part memory foam and part spring. Any thoughts on when to replace a mattress? I can only rotate the mattress. It’s probably 12 years old. 

10 Replies 10
Level 10
Pamplemousses, Mauritius

@Lisa990 First of all remember that you will never satisfy all your guests 100%! Now concerning the mattress i would advice you to try it yourself just to see if you feel comfortable.I personally think that after 10years of constant usage a mattress needs to be replaced.Happy hosting!!!

The quality of the mattress when purchased should determine the term of use.  My $2,000 mattress has held up well after 47 guest visits 

I will retire this mattress end of summer this year. 

@Alice506, 47 guests and a $2000 mattress? Keep it for longer than that. I go through 47 guests in a few months. Unless your guests stay for long times?

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


I sleep on 13 y.old mattress and it didn't lose the shape and it is comfortable as when it was purchased.

Try to sleep on it and see for yourself,  look at it if he lost the shape, is flattened , can you feel the springs etc... and then decide.

Some guests love hard and some prefer soft mattresses so you can't satisfy all guests.


We had the cheapest ikea mattrass in our Airbnb. (The same type my daughter bought for herself and she say it is perfect and she doesn't want to change it). Two of our 300 guests said it is not comfortable. We bought a new one, much higher price, thicker mattress. Nobody complains since but nobody mentioned it either. Was it a good investment? I don't know... the new one is much heavier and my hands hurts when I have to lift it to fit the sheet. I wish I left the old one 😞

Level 10
Orono, ME

@Lisa990, while I would never suggest making an expensive change on the advice of one guest, it would most likely only enhance your listing if you bought a new mattress. "They" (the 'experts') say the rule of thumb for replacing a mattress is every 7-10 years. I, personally, would not stick to this but when you are making good money off renting a space, it is doable. You can buy a really good queen foam pillow top mattress for $500 from places like Sam's Club or Costco. I was going to say that doesn't amount to much given a rental but then I saw your listing price! Please, oh please, up that price!!

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

''They'' say to change the bed every 7-10 years, well, are ''they'' involved in the mattress industry? I think that the better the bed, the longer it will last. Also, if really heavy people regularly sleep on it there is every chance of it not even lasting as long as that.


My parents still have the Hastens mattress (Swedish brand, very expensive) that they bought when they married. It is still as good as ever, which seems insane but is true. I had to do a search for how long they are supposed to last, and some get passed down to a new generation. It seems that the average Hastens mattress in Sweden is 45 years old, it comes with a lifetime guarantee.

So I guess my parents were right to get a premium mattress at the start of married life in order to have it forever. I have probably worked my way through the same amount in lots of different mattresses over the years. Should have bought a Hastens!

In other words: nobody knows just how long YOUR mattress will last.




I so regret to this day that we have not got a Hästen mattress from Sweden and moved it with us when we moved to Australia.

Do you have any inside information about how to buy one here in Australia?


Just google it, forget it l would need to remortgage our house to afford to buy it today.

Unbelievable prices !


@Susie111, I know! So very expensive. I am thinking maybe it was a wedding gift for them, or maybe it wasn't quite as expensive back in the 60s. The closest to us is Korea, add on some shipping and you are all set! With a re-mortaging venture 😞


Good old days.

Sadly no Hästen for us 😉!





Level 2
United States

OK I'm looking to replace my mattresses but I have 4 queens and 2 twins.

 Are  people who have had good results with a pillow top medium mattress? 

 So anybody could give me a specific brand name that they've had good experiences with that would be great.