I have just been informed by one guest that my other had a dog. MY listing states several times that we're pet positive with notice, allow pets with supervsion and notice, etc. We were not notified. Highly annoying because i have all the supplies for pet parents, cool area guides for pet parents, but most importantly have a kit of extra cleaning supplies for pet parents and would always ask other potential guests if they are allergic before having them in the house with someone elses pet.
Of course the way i found out is after both guests check out the same morning, i always send a little questionnaire asking how the other guest was since i dont live there. One of them immediately said the other had a dog that was yapping at all hours of the night.
question 1: Since the dog owner directly violated my policy, how am i protected from person #2 not bringing the dog to my attention until several days later and after check out potentially giving me a **bleep**ty review? if they had notified me immediately i wouldve terminated the dog owners stay.
question 2: how long do i have to be able to make a claim against the pet parent for violating my terms and what does that even do exactly as i didnt know until ater they checked out?
question 3: my maid found dog urine on the couch and feces smashed into the rug so i'd like to retroactively charge them the cleanup ee i had to pay for the additioal upholstery/carpet cleaning charge from the maid, but technically its one persons word against the other so how can i charge one without them admitting to it (trying to guilt them now)?
question 4: if i charge them a cleaning fee and give them a bad review, will they be allowed to give me a bad review? i dont want to compromise my superhost status for $40 but i do think the next host needs to be warned before accepting them.
thank you so much for the help 🙂 obviously im going to call air bnb about it later but i'd like some community advice first