
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

fire Insurance

fire Insurance

Could you explain wether a additional insurance policy is neccesary to protect the property


5 Replies 5
Level 10
Vancouver, WA

@Renee108 Yes. You should always carry adequate coverage to protect your house and belongings. 

Level 10
San Diego, CA

Hi @Renee108,


Whatever you have for your regular insurance, they MUST be aware that you are running a business out of your home, and they must be made fully aware of what you are planning to allow.


I went through multiple agents in my insurance company, several interviews (including the underwriter), and ended up not having to purchase extra insurance. (A copy of AirBnB's insurance policy is part of my file.)


For a while there, I was not certain if I would have to purchase commercial insurance, but in thend, with some clear rules agreed on, they let me go with my regular policy, augmented of course, by AirBnB's. 


Be very careful, and very clear on this subject--with everyone involved...otherwise, you may not be covered at all.

Level 2
Salinas, CA


i am working doing just this but I see nothing in airbnb’s Policy that even pertains to fire.  Just bodily injury/liability as well as damage to the property.  I called them to clarify and they couldn’t answer any of my questions!  I was shocked.  I asked them to research with a manager and call or email me back.  Do you know what they did???  They emailed me the exact documents that I found on the site and thoroughly read before calling them.  Is it possible for you to send me what airbnb aigement you have that ‘covers you’ for fire?  

Hi @Julie1189, It's been more than a year that I did this, but with the meetings between AirBnB, my insurance company, and the underwriters, everyone was happy.  I do not believe that you can rely solely upon AirBnB's insurance.  Between the two companies, I am covered.




Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

As mentioned in an earlier response to you @Julie1189  you need your own home insurance to cover short term lets in addition to the liability insurance provided by Airbnb in some countries and its 'guarantee'.