informing my upcoming guests about my experience hosting

Level 2
Split, Croatia

informing my upcoming guests about my experience hosting

Hi, I have just recently became an Experience host (no bookings yet). Being a home host I'd like to inform my upcoming guests who have booked my listings about me hosting an experience. I want to send them a message that includes the link to my airbnb experince page. I'm guessing link to an Airbnb adress should not be a problem? Also I'm curious if this is against any Airbnb policies because I really don't want to risk this. 


Any information would be greatly appreciated,


Also when is Airbnb going to include information about a home host hosting experiencies on a host profile page?


As a new experience host I feel like theres little to none info how to enhance visibility of your experience


Thanks in advance

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Florence, Canada

There is no problem sending a link (to anything - not just an Airbnb link) to a booked guest through the messaging system, @Nikolina5. The system only zaps links/contact info before a booking is made and after a stay has finished.  

While Airbnb is working out the code for putting experiences on a profile page, you might allude to it in your description. Something like, "I am an Airbnb experience host as well. Look for [title of your experience]."

Best of luck with it all!

Thank you so much for your helpful answer and great suggestion, I'll do that, hopefully my experience gets booked soon!