I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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I have Pre-approved a guest who wanted to book for 6 days and asked to add more guests.I send her a Special offer.
Then suddenly I get an Instant booking for 3 days in the middle of these 6 days. It all happened very fast. So I cancelled immediately, and offered them another date . Then I noticed that the Pre-approved person was trying to write to me. This communication between us was overnight and she responded long before the 24 hours was up.
Airbnb cancelled the instant booking and blocked the dates as penalty. Oh and took away my Super host staus!!
Its the first time that I cancelled. And i did so as soon as the booking came through, and the person was quite happy with my explanation.
Now not only did I loose a 6 day booking , I am loosing , not only the 3 blocked days ,but also all the other dates around it beacause the gaps in between are too short.
Perhaps Airbnb can hold back Instant bookings when there is a Pre-Appved booking, just for the 24 hours that they are given to reply.
I feel really robbed ,and I was really relying on this much needed income.
Please help.
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@Rhalda0 An Instant Book will always take precedence over the Inquiry or Booking request. I don't use IB, so don't know all the ins and outs of it, but if you have a legitimate reason for cancelling, you should always contact Airbnb to do it for you, and assure you there won't be penalties, like blocking the dates, which they always do if a host cancels on their own.
There is a feature that you can click on when you've pre-approved an Inquiry- there's a block dates button in the pre-approve/decline box above the message stream with the guest. That will make those dates unavailable on your calendar for anyone else to book, and if the Inquiring Guest decides not to book, they will open up again on their own once the 24 hours has passed. There may be a way to unblock them before then, but I don't know it.
You should call airbnb and explain what happened, and that the guest who sent the Inquiry does indeed want to book- plead confusion and they may open those dates for the Special Offer guest.
Hi @Sarah977,
Good for you, to have an inquiry turning into a booking!
I’ve just tried out yesterday (on a computer), the usage of a Pre-Approval on 1 of my archived messages (During spring 2018, I got an enquiry for summer 2019. And since this was beyond my booking horizon, they just picked some available dates in my calendar during spring 2019. So they could send me an inquiry).
Never heard anything back on my reply to this inquiry then.
I suppose my test, will have caused some question marks on the face of the inquiring guest 😉
Once you press the Pre-Approval button, a message is immediately send out to the inquiring guests (to allow them to book directly).
And on the informatory confirmation screen, which mentions guests have now 24 hours to book you directly. There is indeed a small checkbox (at the top), which you can tick to block the associated dates – in your calendar - to any other potential guest.
When you hit, the “Ok”-button, you won’t have another chance to use the checkbox.
As said before: I hardly ever use Pre-Approvals. As they can always book me by IB.
And I’ve already had my share of “So thrilled and can’t wait to book” inquiries, which turn into nothing.
With me: Only 1 out of about 3 to 4 inquiries turn into a confirmed booking. Usually it is not that hard to know, which guests are serious about booking. And those that are not.
You just won’t believe the amount of newbies, that inquire after having just read: “The 10 golden tips on getting great deals on Airbnb”.
The most important ‘tip’: It is absolutely fine to ask for a discount. Such articles never mention, that such inquiries are about the biggest red flag, there is.
And since Airbnb is now even hiding any potential profile pictures, until a booking is confirmed. It gets even worse:
Funny enough: So once and a while, I get an automated message: “Update by Airbnb: XXX does no longer need the accommodation for these dates”.
I suppose this message is automatically sent. Once the guest decides to book another accommodation on Airbnb – for the same period.
And I really don’t get that many of those.
@Cor3 Almost every one of my Inquiries end up booking. I don't use IB, for one thing, and it might have something to do with my listing being somewhat unique for the area, so it attracts a certain type of guest, also I only host 1 guest at a time. Almost all my Inquirers also send a really nice informative first message, volunteering a bit about themselves and the purpose of their trip, and every one has had a clear profile photo of their face. Not one has asked for a discount, a few have questions, but it's clear that they've read the listing description. I consider myself so lucky.
Actually I'm planning on posting a new topic here after the holidays- examples of "green flag" guest messages, which might be helpful for newbie hosts, as well as a bit of a upper for the new year, since we almost always only talk about and give examples of "red flags".
Good for your @Sarah977. You should indeed count yourself lucky.
I suppose each area attracts its own audience.
And a nice positive thread here, is always appreciated.
As the news here usually has a negative side.
Yes you are wrong on ths @Cor3
Just gone in and double checked - it is definitely available as an option when you use the website.
When you go to pre-approve the guest, it clearly has a line of text saying that if you want to block the dates so other guests can't book tick here.
I think this has been a distraction. The point is if @Rhalda0 had wanted to avoid this whole situation she could have done by a) when she pre approved, blocking the dates b) not cancelling the second guest who had a confirmed booking.