small burn in pillowcase and pillow

Level 2
Washington, DC

small burn in pillowcase and pillow

Just had my first AirBnb experience:  guest stayed for approximately seven hours and managed to burn a small hole in one pillowcase and pillow in my guest bedroom.  Fortunately the room does not smell like cigarette or any other smoke.  


The pillow was old, so I'm not worried about it.  In addition, I just happen to have an extra pillowcase that matches the sheet set, so that's not a problem either. 


However, I'm still torn on what to do.  Do I leave a negative review?  The guest did not previously have any reviews as apparently this was his first AirBnb experience as well.  Do I try to get a small reimbursement from his security deposit?  It's not about the money. . . I just don't want to start a trend of letting small things go.  Also, as a new AirBnb guest, he should be made aware that his actions of smoking in my non-smoking house and clearly breaking house rules are not okay. 


On the other hand, I'm a new host, don't have any reviews, and need a good review from him.  I'm also slightly concerned about retaliation on his part.  


Thoughts on what to do? 

4 Replies 4
Level 3
San Francisco, CA

Hello. I'm John, and I have been running my BnB suite for about a year, and have been running hotels for about 20 yrs. My opinion, ...dont ask for reimbursement for the pillow case.   However, you should give other hosts a heads up that the person DID smoke, in your non smoking room,  and left a burned pillow case and pillow (your pillow may have been older, mine are new and cost $40 a piece lol) The guest cannot read your review , until he posts his own review, and therefore, cannot retaliate . Whatever he is going to say, will already be said.If he seemed a pleasant guest other than this, go ahead and say that too. Also, buy some New , Good pillows for your guests. They notice things like this. Good luck in your new endeavor!!   

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

They broke your rules because your new

invoice and photos for replacements to ABB

you need to be very honest in reviews that's a terrible rule break smoking in bed 

Please state in your review that he broke your house rules by smoking.  You will be helping all hosts by passing on this information.  If you are concerned about upetting the guest perhaps you could also include a nice comment, such as maybe he left the bathroom clean, or arrived on time.  But, we all need to know if a guest smoked in a non-smoking room!

Level 10
Tampa, FL

I agree with John. I had a guest that broke a ceramic piece and managed to fit it back together but it was broken in half. I already made the review when I discovered it was broken in half; when  I was dusting the room it fell in two pieces. I was not impressed. She also put holes in my wall for whatever reason I don't know. I would have handled it as John stated if I had known beforehand about the broken ceramic and holes in the wall. Now I check the room before making reviews. It's a learning experience for sure.