Can't find my site when I do a search!

Can't find my site when I do a search!

Hi - I am new to airbnb.  I can look at my site when I go in thru airbnb's email to me, announcing I am ready to host, but when I do a search, putting in either my town name or the actual title of my site, it does not show up!  any suggestions?!  thanks, KD

2 Replies 2
Level 1
Eugene, OR

Hi Kathryn,  I had a similar issue when I had my settings to give me a week notice on a reservation and I had my query for less than a week away.  You might just check to see that your settings aren't somehow preventing your listing from appearing.

Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Kathryn34 I couldn't find your listing either, but how long ago did it go live on the platform?  Sometimes it takes several hours for new listings to display in searches.  I'd give it over night and look again.  Also keep in mind that there are 100's of listings in your neck of the woods so when you look, narrow the price range and select dates you know you are available. 

If that doesn't solved the problem, respond back to me and I'll check it again tomorrow.  🙂