Display 'From' price again when searching without check-in/out dates
In the last 72 hours in London, Airbnb brought in a new 'feature' or 'policy'.
Now when a guest searches a specific area, if they don't specifiy check-in/out dates, the search results are listed with NO prices attched. Prices only become avilable when guests enter check-in/out dates.
Frankly, I think this is a disaster, but I'd love to hear Airbnb's thinking behind it?
From my perspective since it was activated, my listing views have collapsed and wish-list adds are non-existent.
Guests don't always know their travel dates, so they like to browse areas, seeing photo's and prices that appeal, and wish listing those places to come back to later. Now, for guests to see prices, check-in/out dates must be entered and if an apartment doesn't happen to be available for those specific dates it isn't even returned in the search list.