Feedback for air bnb on their New Review Ratings and Stats Page

Feedback for air bnb on their New Review Ratings and Stats Page

Like the new Stats pages.  Thank You.  With regard to Reviews..... I like some of the changes (I love the fact I can now see who gave me lower than 5 stars back in 2014 and early 2015 when this information wasn't shared with us hosts).

However .......  I really think that removing the scores for the other ratings Cleanliness, Communication, Accuracy, Location, Value etc. will be detrimental.  Prior to this change, we were able to see and track what the ratings were for the various rating catagories. 

With the new stats hosts can only see the overall star rating so if we get anything less than a 5 star rating and the guest doesn't mention anything in the review or the private feedback, the host have no idea why we might get a lower than 5 rating. I actually use these ratings to see if it's possible to improve in some areas.


Any issues with cleanliness surely must be a huge factor that hosts must be made aware of?  With the introduction of smart pricing - I think the value button is key......I used to score between 89 -94% (I have two private rooms I list) and I would like to know I am maintaining these scores...and that guests still think I offer value for money.


PLEASE, PLEASE , PLEASE Air bnb RE-INSTATE this data and make it still available for hosts to track.


Nuff said

Thanks for reading



Level 2

I do not like the way the review statistics are displayed now. Its always been hard to find out the exact ratings that a guest gave you. I have gotten into the habit of checking the stats everytime a review is published to update my spreadsheet for a particular guest. Now with no actual numbers showing, only percentages even this approach won't work.


Why not let us clearly see the numerical ratings we were given in addition to the feedback from the guest. If a particular guest gives us a lower rating in a category I reach out to them to see what I could have done to improve.

Level 2

First time to explore here in this comunity. But after reading a few post and reading this I have to wonder, has anyone else seen this to know their policy because I have seen duplicates of "ideas/complaints" (I duplicated before I read this policy) and if we are even being heard from Airbnb. FYI, I have had some luck of responce from them on Facebook tho, maybe because it is so much more public or they have a social media team but not a community team??? 

Former Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived
Level 2

I agree that it is helpful to see how many stars have been given in each area. Now we don't know and it is very annoying as I check each time a guest has stayed so I know where I can improve.