Horse Boarding

Horse Boarding

I would like Airbnb to include a catagory for "horse boarding." If you look at my listing "A Little Bit Country, LLC-Horse Boarding" you will see I want to add requirements like papers and shots. I also want to display how many horses will be staying and list the cost. Whether or not "people" will be staying and if so got referred to my "People" Bnb to include that in the stay. If they have a live-in horse trailer and whether they want to stay on my premises camping in it. Whether or not I have an electrical outlet and water for them to heat/cool, shower or cook.


I would really appreciate you looking into this. There are many transport companies as well as individuals who haul their horses for a place to ride that's new and different. It is extremely important for them to be able to rest them on long hauls.


Thank you for your consideration.

Level 10

As a horse owner, I agree with you. But with Airbnb's current policy on Emotional Support Animals (ESAs - which are not the same as an ADA-service animal like seeing eye dog or mini-pony, yet Airbnb treats them equally) I am not sure they would ever consider adding any check-off boxes for vaccinations, etc. As the policy stands now, a person can bring their ESA without having to notify the host (and the ESA can be any animal, any size, any weight, and have no training whatsoever - including a horse), and if it is an ESA you cannot even charge a fee for the animal's stay (possibly a horse, in your case, if the owner registered it as an ESA). It is a most perplexing policy and some of us are starting to question it in Host Voice. Amy wrote a quite detailed post on it today, as did I, this past week. 

Level 2

It's awesome that I'm not the only one having issues with horse boarding. I'm happy to know there are at least three of us. I didn't see Amy's post. How can I find it? We should keep the pressure on and hopefully we'll make progress.

Level 10

@Susan803 I am not sure where Amy's post went - If I come across it again I will post it here. I wrote one you can search on and posted it in Host Voice, 'Airbnb's Anti-Discriminatory Policy Needs To Be Changed' (or something like that). Have you had people bring horses and say they are Emotional Support Animals and expect free board and hay?


I'd like to think horse owners would not take advantage of a boarding manager or stable owner; but you never know, and the fact is, with this policy of Airbnb's (which goes much farther than any ordinances that I know of, local, county, or state) someone could bring a stock trailer full of horses, say they are all 'Emotional Support Animals', and you must accept them or lost your Super Host status with Airbnb for a year and be fined one hundred dollars. Not right.

Level 2

No, I've had no one come with horses to date. I believe there is a need as I have traveled with my horse and one time a bad hail storm was iminent and I wanted shelter for her. The sound of hail on a steel trailer is an invitation for trouble.


I have found there is no place to list your space for horses, and purchasing a room optional because I have electrical hook-up on the side of my house. I figured they could stay in their trailer and use my electricity while resting their horses. However if they want to use facilities in my house they need to rent a room. How did you set yours up?

Level 10

@Susan803 I don't offer horse boarding. I wonder if you could put it under 'Unique Housing', or use the 'Host Voice' section here on the forums or the 'feedback' form to request that a Horse Boarding Airbnb category be made?