AIRBNB must address the problem many, many Hosts are experencing i.e. synching multiple listings so that INSTANT BOOK can be operated on several overlapping at the same time.


Lots of hosts let one or two rooms, or the whole property. ib CANNOT BE SET ON MORE THAN ONE LISTING AT A TIME,to eliminate the risk of double booking.


It would be extrmely convenient if AIRBNB allow for the listings to be synched.


This topic arises often, and gets archived without a response from AIRBNB. 

Level 2

I completely agree.  I have raised this issue mulitiple times with AirBnB.

Level 4


Have you had any feedback at all from Airbnb on  this issue .

Its hugely inconvenient . 



Level 10

I supported that idea in different variations many times. 

There are different levels of complexity to the programming:

Synching with all calendars, your own, other booking services: would be great , but probably a nightmare in glitches 

Shnching within the website between different listings - should not be that complicated, but probably there is no end to it: 2 listings? 3 or 4 or more? The whole house or room a, b, c? The whole house or floor one or two. And if floor one, then not room 1 or 2, but room 3 and 4. And if not floor1 but floor 2, then room1 or 2, but not 3 or 4 etc. I have such formulas in my accounting Excel sheet for 3 possible Vat rates or none. No fun to write, and there is a limit to what tax people can come up with, but not hosts. 


I'd already be happy with an easy minimum solutions: let us define floating bookable days freely, not the 3 months increments, and define IB zones freely. In that case, I could set the whole place on IB 2 to 4 months out and the room 0 to 2 months.