Make the price guest pays clearer to both parties

Make the price guest pays clearer to both parties

There needs to be a CLEARER indication of what the guest is proposing to book.  This would make it easier for the guest and the host.
We host in our own home and have 3 addtional large bedrooms, with a seperate bathroom and toilet, that we let out to our Airbnb guests.  
When I contacted Airbnb about setting this arrangement up they said that I needed to set up 3 individual sites, so that I could let out the 3 bedrooms.  This would be a nightmare to manage, with all the communication back and forward etc. and we only want to host guests who know each groups or friends.  It is our home afterall.
I then set up the site for with all the information included in our introduction, however who reads the information??? 
Prospective guests would book 1 room thinking they were booking the 3 bedrooms, as described. 
Airbnb informed me of an upgrade where I could list that we lived in our home and hosted.  Then we could list the configuration of the bedrooms.....perfect!  Although this now reads as ENTIRE HOME.  So I now have guests booking 1 bedroom thinking they are getting the entire home for that price.  PLEASE HELP!!  If anyone has any ideas of how I can do this, so that guests can understand our listing please let me know. 

Level 2

I hope this helps.  My listening is similar to yours with two bedrooms fully-self contained.  We live upstairs and guests occupy downstairs. It is listed as an entire home.  It is one listing only. Guest book the entire place whether there is one person or four. They get the place for the one price. So far, it has worked for us.  We get on average 3 guests per booking, of families or friends travelling as a group.


Level 2

Thank you Flo.  Our situation is a little different in that a lot of our guests only want to book 1 bedroom.  If I were to charge the amount that we can get for the 3 bedrooms everytime someone booked, we would only have groups of 6 in our house all the time and not as often. 
We prefer smaller groups, as it is our home afterall. 


This is a significant issue for us as well - we list the entire floor with private entrance, two bedrooms, private bath, large family room -- and since it is two bedrooms we are categorized as entire home.  We only rent to one group at a time, even if they only want one room.  When only one room is rented, we are one of the cheapest in the area, but they get the entire space - and then downgrade us for accuracy because they didn't read the description and thought they would get the entire home with kitchen.  Or downgrade us for value because they are two people but want two separate rooms, and expect to only pay for one, again not reading the description.


It is disheartening that Airbnb apparently has the IT workforce available to implement an entire new "Experience" functionality, but can't afford the manhours needed to refine basic listing categories such that guests can clearly see what they're booking.

Level 3

What you are asking is a very difficult situation. I understand your concern as you would prefer to book the rooms individually, yet you want to have them available for large groups. No matter how it is done it is a nightmare to keep a calendar up to date. If AirBnB were to try and offer a calandar to do it, I suspect their service charge would be very high. If you do it, you need to evaluate if it is worth the extra time and effort. WHat you would have to do is make multiple listings for you space. one for each bedroom individually, and an additional one for each combination of 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms. You would then have to manage the calendar for each to be sure you don't "overbook any of your rooms. Not an easy task, and you really couldn't set instant book for any of them as you could end up with conflicts.


Given that, your choices are one price for the entire space, or individual prices for each room. there really is no other way to do it. It is unfortunate, but other than manually keeping the calendar on multiple spaces, I can't even think of an algorithym that could do it. there are just to many variables.


Perhaps list the rooms individually and have something in the description that if they want additional rooms ask for a special offer.

Level 2
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