Please provide Multi Calendar view feature in mobile app to avoid double booking, etc. This is so basic and causes heartache and potential problems. Please move this up your queue of future features. Thanks Airbnb
Yes!! I agree. If I had multi-calendar and saved messages on my phone I would not need my computer for airbnb... currently I am tied to my computer because of those two features.
I would very much like to be Able to see my multicalendar on the app, too. I plan to leave it up permanently where I can see it from my desk anyntime, so I can be sure to check in with guests as they are coming and going, etc. With four listings up it is hard to keep track, otherwise.
This would be amazing! Could you look at this Airbnb? It delays me responding to some queries until the next day, which isn't great for customer service. Being able to see the multicalendar all the time using the app would be so, so, so convenient.
I just added a second listing and am shocked to discover that only one calendar for my original listing will show up in the mobile app. Given that most people are on their mobile devices constantly, and Airbnb wants hosts to provide the fastest possible response time to their guests, it would this should be a top priority.
We've had the same problem for months. I contacted Airbnb and said the best thing to do is leave your request at . I actually SAW the beta of the mobile multi-calendar in a phone at the Airbnb Open when I asked IT staff about it, and it was excellent! I have no idea why they haven't released it yet, it's obvious why this is much needed by multi-listing hosts...
I cannot believe this still is not on the app, it would be so, so helpful. I'm glad to hear there's at least a beta. They just updated the multi calendar on the web, so hopefully it's coming.