Penalized by saying Not Available - how does that work?

Penalized by saying Not Available - how does that work?

Mr. Chesky:  I applaud the anti-discriminatory measure but how exactly will it work in practise so as not to be discriminatory and a possible security issue for hosts.


Example: The policy states that:

" If a host rejects a guest by stating that their space is not available, Airbnb will automatically block the calendar for subsequent reservation requests for that same trip."

And what if it is made not available because the guest has not read the description:  has a dog, children, can't climb stairs, thinks the listing is elsewhere, wants a private bathroom, makes inappropriate remarks, has only verifications that can easily be faked and on and on.

How will Airbnb know why the host made it unavailable?   Will there be new buttons and functions and drop down list to choose from?  Will the guest be forced to take more responsibility for their choice via a series of yes, no, clicks etc.


Same goes for InstaBook.


Thank you

Level 2

Hi there.  I believe you have to decline within 24 hours, and then a menu of reasons for the decline comes up.  Entering any one of the reasons will show as a decline but will at least prevent the dates as being blocked from your calendar.  Problem for me is I can't go camping or have any break without having the calendar blocked due to lack of reply.  I find this policy really unforgiving.


Level 10

Yes @Jean9 really unforgiving for sure.  Also un-do-able and unrealistic for a person with any kind of a normal life style.


Airbnb has been my ball and chain every day for the last 9 months and I have not gotten any bookings in 6 months.


Don't get me wrong I appreciate the three that I did get and the income but average out for the time I put into this - I am thinking maybe it is not worth it.

Level 2

When planning to go out of town myself, I mark those dates as unavailable.  I have had someone try to contact me while I was off-the-grid and it counted as a "no reply" which was frustrating, but next time I knew I would be off-grid, I simply went to the computer and chose to temporarily unlist my space. 

Level 3
Status changed to: Archived
Level 2

I blocked a week due to my son coming home 156 days before the booking was agreed. Now my son is not coming home and I cannot change the blocked week to available .... Any suggestions ?