During the past 30 days, we had 214 views, 1 request and 1 booking.
Therefore, the ratio of bookings to views is 1%.
To improve the bookings, it would be useful, if we can also have a further breakdown of views, by the month the guests are looking to book on Airbnb.
For e.g. if our 214 views were primarily for months of Oct/ Nov 2016, where we already have bookings except for a few days, it is not a cause for concern. But if they were looking for Dec 2016 or Jan 2017 and didn't result is a conversion to inquiry/ booking, it could mean either our price is high or the listing is not what they were looking for, in terms of location or size or duration.
Please therefore explore sharing more analytics around the views esp. month of interest, no. of people, no of days etc. either by a stacked bar or rollover information.
Thanks in advance,
Mahesh&Rupa - Superhost