Still Required To Respond When Dates Requested Are Already Booked

Still Required To Respond When Dates Requested Are Already Booked

I've had an open date and three people have sent enquiries during the night but in the morning someone who meets my requirements instant booked the room. But the airbnb system is still telling me I have to respond to the other enquiries even though the room is already taken or I will be penalised in my response rate. Why can't the airbnb system know the room is no longer available and automatically respond to the other enquiries to tell them so? It would help them book other rooms faster and not have them think mine is still available. 

Level 5

Totally agree, it happened to me this week, and I almost missed the deadline to decline a request from the guy who didn't get the room.  I would have been penalised if I hadn't checked my dashboard even though I didn't need to.

Level 10

Excellent point Martin

we have enought message to send already having to keep in mind to answer unecessary message it is a waste of time

Level 2

This same scenario happened to me yesterday. I responded to the inquiry, telling them that I was sorry that the room had been instant-booked between when they sent the inquiry and now. She understood and said thanks and then I dismissed the message. I did not have to pre-approve OR decline and since I responded within 24 hours it did not affect my communication rate. 


Hope that helps.

