Would like 'read' notification from guests once they received final instructions/directions

Would like 'read' notification from guests once they received final instructions/directions

Would be great to know when guests have read your final message which includes instructions on how to get in the house. Sometimes when I contact guests a day or 2 before they arrive with final instructions...either how to get in the house or what time I will be home, not all reply to acknolwedge the message. So some sort of 'read receipt' or 'double tick' like in Whatsapp would be good. 

Level 10
I love this idea! Especially since there have been times when Airbnb's messaging system has gone haywire and messages were not delivered until days after they were sent
Level 10

This would be a great option for ALL communication!

Level 10

I support this suggestion, but I'll add that messaging a guest a mere day or two in advance of arrival is likely to have a high failure rate, especially if the guest is already on the road (and doesn't use the phone app). I send the final instructions a week in advance.

Level 2

nice idea!

Former Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived
Level 10

@Lizzie When something is Archived - what does that actually mean?

Level 1

Read email is a must, some people will not respond or email unless there is a problem. So it would be great to know they have got the info.