instantbook - allow many host set parameters so more hosts use it

instantbook - allow many host set parameters so more hosts use it


Id use it a lot if: 

- Allow for a variable percent increase in price for Instantbook. I could imagine leaning toward a 125% increase cap but if you would allow up 500% and/or allow it to be manually adjusted with different percents at different dates

- Allow us to set a min date span.

- Allow us to set only certain days to be instabook. For instance, maybe Im feeling like weekdays, or low season, or a specific time period. 

- Allow for only last minute bookings (think HotelTonight but for our own listings)



Level 1

Instant book for certain dates would be very valuable. I currently only use instant book when I need last second bookings, but then I need to block off entire months in the future on my calendar so that I do not have to cancel on guests that instant book dates in the future I am currently unsure of. This process makes the tool quite frustrating.

Level 6

I did not understand that instantbook took the lowest price listed!  My calender shows summer price double to the rock bottom winter period.  I lost out hugely  by booking in a rush of lucky guests at half price mid- summer!  Why does intant book not reflect calender prices?

Former Community Manager
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