4 star feedback left in error

4 star feedback left in error

We had two guests in the last two weeks leave us rave reviews (verbal) but fat fingered the top portions of the feedback ratings with 4 as opposed to 5 stars. Both stated that they thought they left us 5 stars for everything, were surprised by the errors and wanted to know how to fix it (both new accounts with 0 ratings). They both reached out to ABB as well as us, but of course the inept ABB support wont budge (even though they corrected one last year) and no one is willing to escalate it to where it needs to go. we are superhosts for over 2 years now and were "succesful" at having one of the reviews removed by some "manager" from somewhere 12.5 timezones away whom didnt really understand how reviews affect the metrics, nor spoke clear english, but its not what we wanted. We work hard and WE WANT GOOD REVIEWS, not removals, for both search placement and staying above the average (in jeaopardy of haveing a listing flagged for removal). Both guests used the app for feedback/rating. We think its an internal glitch with their app during scroll down. anyone else have the same issues? If so there is a flaw in the app and needs to be fixed ASAP. We suggest a summary of the review and a confirmation page for both app and web interface before submition IF ABB reviews are to be permanent and honest errors cant be fixed by the people that apparently wont/cant do anything at the support center. is there a management email account that can reach the top ranks similar to jeff@amazon.com? Thanks!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Albany, Australia

@Ania-and-Greg0, this could be due to the new rating system which is totally ludicrous and causing many hosts to only get 3 or 4 stars overall, even if they have given 5 stars for individual items. There have been a number of posts about this - here is a recent one: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Hosting/Explaining-5-star-ratings-to-guests/m-p/883418#M217627



Perhaps that is the reason, but we think he issue is with the app interface. Its  good read and a good suggestion to include the star rating addendum on the first page of the manual as current rating suggestions by ABB are a load of bull. Thanks for the follow up. When exactly did this new rating system come into play? IF the new OK is 3 then ABB needs to lower their superhost expectation rating to AT LEAST 4 stars