48 hrs to respond to cancelation request by guest

Level 4
London, United Kingdom

48 hrs to respond to cancelation request by guest

I just found out that guests have an option to cancel a booking without penalties. Airbnb will send host a notification email giving 48 hours to accept or decline the request to cancel. If you don't respond, the cancelation will be processed. You won't get paid and guest gets a full refund. Is anyone else finds this outraging? 


In addition gmail automatically puts these type of emails in trash and I haven't figured out how to stop this from happening yet. There are no push notifications on mobile app either. Very frustrating and I don't think this option should exist!


Also, I've noticed that I can't change cancelation policy to super strict on mobile. Haven't tried on desktop yet.

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


if you don't respond it is the same as you accepted. It means cancelation will be on your behalf and you will be punished with blocked dates etc...

So you have to DECLINE such request and let your guest cancel on his behalf.


Super strict cancelation policy is with invitation only, for extra super duper luxurious listings 


I have gmail and I receive all notifications without any problem so you should look at your filter settings on gmail and figure out why it goes to trash. 

That's what I find backwards!!! If you don't decline, the calcelation appears to be made by host and you're penalised rather than the guest! This functionality shouldn't exists!! It's akward!!!


I agree , you have to be carefull on Airbnb. The best is to read CC blog regulary to see what problems hosts and guest can encounter here and how to handle them.

Thanks for your thoughts regarding super strict policy – will do some digging aroudn it.


If anyone else is annoyd with the backwards 48 hour cancellation, I suggest calling airbnb and gettigg yur annoyance heard and feedback passed on further upstream. I don't think it's right and should be removed. 

Evverybody on  here is annoyed with it, has been discussed many times, serves no point amongst other things.
