A customer without a reservation

A customer without a reservation

I have a customer who contacted me through airbnb who wants to stay for 4 months while doing a special project in our area. We have communicated back and forth via email several times and the last I heard from him he was arriving today but he has yet to make a reservation. I'm unsure about what to do if he shows up. I can direct him to the website but I've sent him all that info via email with no response. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Vancouver, WA

There's no way this guest can just "show up" since he does not have your exact address.  (Unless you gave it to him - which you should NEVER do.)  Airbnb will automatically send the guest your address once they have a confirmed booking.

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

Some guests are truly dim. Makes you wonder if you're the crazy one. @Jay-And-Maggie0 did the guest show up?