A picture speaks a thousand words (pun intended)

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

A picture speaks a thousand words (pun intended)

Greetings ~


I thought I would take some time to set out how the Airbnb reservation process is intended to work in an effort to provide some clarity.


As you know, hosts are unable to see a lot of guest information when a reservation request or enquiry is received.  Specifically, hosts cannot see a guests last name, profile photo, reviews, full joining date, or ... much at all to confirm they are dealing with a real person.  Each day the Airbnb world becomes a little more redacted, so I thought I'd go right ahead and fast forward through all the remaining changes in the pipeline. 


This is how the future guest reservation process is intended to work:




Any questions?  No?  Right, back to it then...



~ Ben


16 Replies 16
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Ben551, true love.

Level 2
Oconomowoc, WI

I think the point is, we are now booking reservations blindly. As if we are a managed hotel, forced to conform to the ways of the political correctness of the wayward world. 


This is MY HOME,  it is not a hotel.


I am not and should not be obligated to rent to just anybody because they need a place to stay.


I need to be able to make my own decision on who I will or will not be letting into MY home. 


I could go on and on as to why this a TERRIBLE decision.


Bottom line, if this corporation and its millennial PC pinheads continue to try and tell me what I must conform to, then I am out!