A picture speaks a thousand words (pun intended)

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

A picture speaks a thousand words (pun intended)

Greetings ~


I thought I would take some time to set out how the Airbnb reservation process is intended to work in an effort to provide some clarity.


As you know, hosts are unable to see a lot of guest information when a reservation request or enquiry is received.  Specifically, hosts cannot see a guests last name, profile photo, reviews, full joining date, or ... much at all to confirm they are dealing with a real person.  Each day the Airbnb world becomes a little more redacted, so I thought I'd go right ahead and fast forward through all the remaining changes in the pipeline. 


This is how the future guest reservation process is intended to work:




Any questions?  No?  Right, back to it then...



~ Ben


16 Replies 16
Level 10
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

I know this was meant in jest but I have to say I am getting extremely irritated by the casual use of the "A picture paints a thousand words" phrase in reference to the no-photo policy.


This quote is a bastardised mash-up with no discernible origin.  It is NOT some deep, irrefutable fact. Most importantly though, whatever origin you choose to believe, it basically referred to PICTURES not photographs.  That is, a DRAWING of an event or a feeling that conveyed a story far more quickly than words.  So, in that respect, you've done a good job!


In photographic terms, though, perhaps a good example of the phrase would be the napalm girl in the Vietnam war.  Or how about Princess Diana all alone in front of the Taj Mahal? Those pictures really did “tell a story”.


Throughout history, drawings, cartoons and photographs have been used to tell stories – some true, many not so true. If you stand back for a moment, it's actually extraordinary to think that, in this sophisticated technological age where it is so easy to manipulate photographs, that anyone could place any faith whatsoever in a profile photo.  It's just one shot taken one moment in time.  It doesn't tell you anything.  Except of course the gangland photos, f**k you photos etc .   And how many of those do we get?  I'm guessing 0.000001%    


This whole subject is fascinating to me!  It's made me think of so many things. 

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

Hey you have a solid point about photo manipulation @Rebecca0 -how about a new saying?


"A picture speaks a thousand words, but these days most of them are bulls**t."

Level 2
Riverhills, Australia

When a totally different guest arrives to that which book then the' past reviews' of the booking person are essentially null and void. Again hosts have no control over who they are letting into their homes

Level 10
Orono, ME

@Rebecca, totally agree with you. What can they really show/tell? (I hope you can have a little fun)


From YOUR profile pic I can tell that:


1.) You likely come unprepared for most situations (especially the weather) because you are wearing some sort of garbage bag as a rain coat.

2.) Your cup contains a plastic straw and everyone on Instragram knows that straws KILL sea turtles so you obviously hate the environment. (I have a sister who would eat you alive for your haltered of loggerheads.)

3.) Your half smile tells me that you were asked to pose for the photo but you are not too excited. This probably means you work a 9am to 5pm desk job. Maybe for an insurance company?

4.) You are alone in the photo so you probably aren't too social or maybe you don't do well in social environments.

5.) You're wearing black which means you're often highly emotional, slightly neurotic, and have a desire to deflect what you look like in favor of who you are and what you are trying to accomplish in life.


Sorry to publically profile you but I am a really good assumer. Did I get it right??

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Based on your description and deductions analysing the picture of @Rebecca0, I can infer that, you are fond of Sherlock Holmes and its Science of Deduction!  🙂

Level 10
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

@Emilia42  This made me laugh SO MUCH, thank you !!


It couldn't be more wrong if you tried.... ok maybe I am often a bit emotional but that's all you're getting!

The funniest thing was the "garbage bag as a rain coat".  The photo was taken at a music festival, a very popular one in Scotland called T in the Park, sadly discontinued.   The garbage bag was a rainproof handed out free by the promoters because it was almost guaranteed that the rain would piss down even though it's a summer festival.   Many Scottish people would identify it immediately.  But oh god you remind me how old that photo is now, at least 6 years. 


I'm not a photogenic person so I suppose I chose that particular one because at least I didn't look deranged.  Many people aren't very photogenic - our faces just don't comply with a single shot!   


You, on the other hand, are clearly camera-friendly.  You look open, warm and friendly.  I keep looking but that's all I can see!  A really nice friendly face.   But your hair is too perfect.  I mean, it's really just too cleverly neat-yet-relaxed.  You are probably covering up some deep-seated issues....    sorry, that's the best I can do in 'retaliation'  !

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

.Omg T in the park.. you're making me homesick for Scotland now @Rebecca0... my wife and I lived in Edinburgh for 9 years and I miss it terribly... I've never once felt homesick for England though, go figure...

Level 10




cool. 5 x thumbs up.


Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I wasn't going to join in with any of the photo discussions, but I will now. I understand hosts feeling of safety, I understand discrimination. BUT that isn't my take of the photos, neither of those arguments. My feeling is that when I joined Airbnb it had a huge point of difference to the other listing agencies and that was a feeling of personality, whether it was professional warmth or warts and all. I adored it. You could, in those days, see a thumbnail of each host before you even clicked the listing. Guests would show their face if they chose, and a flower if they didn't. It all felt friendly, familiar, entertaining. As personality gets stripped ( I really like bad photos of listings too, anything personal is great with me) it becomes duller. That is my view.


There was a discussion on host pics, which to choose and why, a while back as a host named Alex wondered if his pic was holding him back. It led to some interesting comments, I have very specific thoughts behind my own pic. @Emilia42, from your picture I deduce that you are an easygoing, untraditional Millennial from Maine.

Hence my written caption 🙂

Level 10
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

@Sandra126  Your post resonates so strongly with me.  I feel the same.  I've hosted so many guests now that I really couldn't give a **bleep** about photos BUT I do miss the old days where it was more personal, as you say.  But that's the thing, those days are clearly numbered.  It's inevitable.  I still get a lot of old-school guests who are still looking for and appreciate the original idea.  But my feeling is that they are dwindling.   There's nothing to replace it, either.  The monster has been created!  It's only replicants from now on.

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Sandra126@Emilia42  oh oh! Do me next!  Do me!

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Can't do it, @Ben551, I know too much about you already! Catloving pommie expat artist/designer computer aficinado.

But you look very friendly and I like the way the light and shadows play with your shirt.

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Sandra126Hey I like your version much better!!  My wife says I'm a belligerant old git 🙂