Activate Instant Booking and only have verified guests booking

Level 1
Quebec, Quebec, Canada

Activate Instant Booking and only have verified guests booking



I was thinking of activating the instant booking feature but I am afraid that my setting saying that only verified guests can book my listing will be ignored.


Can anyone confirm that it is still possible to select the "Anyone in the Airbnb Community" under the Who Can Book section and still only have verified guests booking?


Thanks to anyone who will take the time to read this and an even bigger thank you if you take the time to reply.

Top Answer
Level 5
Sofia, Bulgaria


Absolutely - when you have this setting it is also valid for Instant Booking. Guests have to verify themselves before making an instant booking with you. 



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51 Replies 51
Level 5
Sofia, Bulgaria


Absolutely - when you have this setting it is also valid for Instant Booking. Guests have to verify themselves before making an instant booking with you. 



Thank you so much for your reply !

Make sure not to mistake Verification for Criminal Background Check.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

What to do when a guest thinks 'verify with a government document such as passport 'and she only sends her photo bearing in mind this guests had refused to communicate by phone email or SMS resulting in her only email telling me she would be a day late then turned up on the day she paid for after I went out I must point out she works in a major hotel in London so her English is excellant would appreciate advice



What does verification mean for guest who want to book your house?  I just activated that feature and had to complete verifcation of my own.  Another post said they had to provide Id and a credit card to Airbnb.  Is that correct information?


What are the requirements to book on Airbnb?

From AirBnb /Help/Faq's

We ask everyone who uses Airbnb for a few pieces of information before they travel on Airbnb. Guests need to have this info completely filled out before they can make a reservation request. This info helps make sure hosts know who to expect, and how to contact the guest.

Airbnb’s requirements for guests include:

  • Full name
  • Confirmed email address
  • Confirmed phone number
  • Profile photo that shows their face
  • Introductory message
  • Agreement to house rules
  • Payment information

Hosts won’t see guest’s real email addresses, even after they book. Instead, hosts will see a temporary Airbnb email address that forwards their messages to the guest.

Some hosts may also ask guests to complete Verified ID before booking their space.

What is Verified ID?

We created the Verified ID process to build trust in our community and help give you more information when you're deciding who to host or stay with.

How Verified ID works

Verified ID connects your Airbnb profile with other information about you. As part of Verified ID, you might be asked to:

  1. Take a photo or upload an image of your government-issued ID, such as your driver's license or passport. Depending on where you live, you may have the option of answering a few questions about yourself instead.
  2. Connect another online profile to your Airbnb account, such as a Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn account.
  3. Upload an Airbnb profile photo and provide a phone number and email address.

Visit to get started at any time.

When you'll need to complete it

Under certain circumstances, you might be required to complete Verified ID. For example, hosts can require that guests complete Verified ID before booking their place.

If your host requires you to complete Verified ID, you'll be directed to complete the process right after you send your reservation request, and will have 12 hours to complete it. If you need to come back later, go to and pick up where you left off.

The Verified ID badge

When you complete Verified ID, you'll earn a badge on your profile. Many hosts and guests look for this badge when deciding whether to host or stay with someone—but it's not an endorsement or guarantee of someone's identity.

Privacy and encryption

We take privacy seriously. The information you provide during this process is encryptedand governed by our Privacy Policy.

We won't share the government ID or personal details you provide during Verified ID with your host or guest—they'll only know that you’ve successfully completed the process. And we’ll never post to your Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, or other connected accounts without your permission.





Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

yes but then verified guests can book on behalf of someone else and then you have a complete stranger coming to your premises when they use the instant book option???

Level 7
Montana, United States

It is against Airbnb policy to accept a booking from a guest who is booking for soeone who is NOT an Airbnb verified traveler. You must cancel or request they cancel the booking.

Veried ID will mean guests have provided documents and contact details to support their identity claims. It does not mean they have explained their reason for choosing your listing and made a selection that suits their needs and expectations. If you are new to hosting Instant bookings may be better postponed till you have had more experience managing your accommodation, website and guest experiences.

I hope this information is helpful to yourself and others.


Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

Hi Christine

Thanks for the fast reply. So how do I put Off the instant booking setting? Will this negatively impact my listing? 

Regards Andre

I do not see IB or instant booking on my dashboard anywhere. How do I do this? Thanks Mathieu


To manage your instant book settings and filter guests who can activate an instant booking at your place, select >Your listings> Calendar and more> booking > Who can book instantly> select from a choice of 3 categories

Hope this helps you and others.

Deb & Dave have great community guides.



I just received an instabook. I do not have instabook.


But as to "Guests have to verify themselves before making an instant booking with you. "   mine just had a phone number and an email.

I refused to do instabook as a year ago when I tried it  - verifications:  phone number was disconnected and no answer from email. Turned out she was a scammer. Luckily I called Airbnb before to find out how somone can be verified with a non working telephone number and a bogus email.


Verifcation does not mean Photo ID.

Anyone can get a phone number for a day(s) and fake an email - that goes for FB and all social media as well.


Now I am told I cannot cancel this instabook without the days being blocked. I had an earlier request over those days for 10 days that I was waiting on a reply - now I cannot accept that verified ID guest.


btw: I called Airbnb - no joy. Apparently they do not have glitches whereby instabook can be turned on without one knowing!!


How do you turn off instant booking or set it so that only verified guests can book-Where is that setting? 

Regards Andre