Addressing guest misconduct while they still have 2 days to go

Level 2
Plantation, FL

Addressing guest misconduct while they still have 2 days to go

Hello everyone, 


I've just started hosting. The guests currently staying with us were to be our very first guests (first reservation), except that another couple stayed with us two days prior. They were great. 

We've gone all out to make this couple feel at home. However, I had posted on the listing that I don't yet have the internet accessible for guests.

They originally requested an early arrival, which I was ready to accomodate. They ended up checking in at 3:30 am (late arrival). I didn't make a big deal about it. I even helped them with their luggage. 

The next morning the guy asked me if we had wireless. I told him that unfortunately we still don't have guests set up for access & that I had noted this on my listing to avoid any problems/confusion. He said it would not be a problem & that he would use his phone as a 'Hot Spot'. I was happy that it didn't become an issue and put it out of my mind. 

Today, I was working online and noticed a slow connection. I just spent an hour and a half with my internet provider only to find out that this couple has connected their laptop to my ethernet (visible on my IP home screen). I made the big mistake of trusting too much and left my modem in the room that they rented. (I know.... super dumb!).

I'm now very concerned as to the security of my network information, although the representative from my internet provider assured me that they should not be able to access any info. 


I feel like I need to address this with them when they get back & make sure that they disconnect from my network. 

Any suggestions? Has anyone had a similar situation?

I'm very uphauled at the disrespect, when we've been nothing but accommodating. 

24 Replies 24

I feel very naive at the moment. The room I rented was my room. I thought this would be okay because I posted that I keep my personal belongings there. I thought that people would be respectful. When I've used AirBnB I've always been extremely respectful of my hosts' belongings and space. I wasn't completely idiotic. I did move valuables into the closet and locked that. But still, now I feel that I should have never left personal items there at all. 

Level 2
Kingston, Canada

They may have thought that since WiFi isn't avaliable you would not have a problem connecting to the router directly. They failed to ask so when they return clarify with them that your not comfortable with them connecting to your router directly.  No need to remind them how accomodating you were. Just explain to them that you would appriciate that they keep their word about using the Hot Spot feature on the phone. 




No, no... I would never throw in anyone's face what I've done to accomodate them. I honestly did so wholeheartedly. I was just venting a little. 



They came in very late last night and immediately disconnected off the modem (I verified on my IP home page). This morning he sent me a message on AirBnB apologizing for the misunderstanding. They left to enjoy their day shortly after. 

Alls well that ends well. 


Thanks again everyone

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

Becoming good effective host is indeed a journey, and the approach should be to learn along the way, keep changing and make it progresively easier. Every guest will do something in which we can get upset about, and technically oftentimes break some 'house rule'. If we make a confrontation of every small thing, hosting will be A- not be fun, B - you will get flat reviews and C - you will burn out or become jaded in a giffy.

Example, my guests that arrived two days ago (213th guest). From Serbia. They panicked when they 'ran out of water', actually someone shut the emergency water switch thinking it was a light switch, though it says 'Water Switch' on it and I covered that in the walkthrough, of course. They also forgot to take enough toothpaste, and ran out of sun tan lotion (a no-no in the tropics), they also took a million videos and send it to their friends all excited (went through the 5 gigs limit of bandwidth, which in Belize is a limited commodity), and did a few other goofy moves. I had to go out with my boat (6 miles, yuk), to bring them things they should have brought and is on the list! We got to talking/laughing for 2 hours because they had a good sense of humor and had very interesting personal stories of life there.  I learned something. They will undoubtedly write a smashing review. And now  I will add such items to the store room just in case.


Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

I consider myself a very seasoned host and I manage regular rental property, so no behavior is terribly shocking to me at this point.  I've learned two things:  if it is in sight, it will be used, regardless of what the rules are and guests are always early or late.  

Move the modem.  I HIGHLY recommend getting high speed internet with wifi because this is what everyone wants, especially if you are going to get a lot of international travelers because they can't always text and use data on their  phones in the U.S. but can use wifi on their phones.  If the modem is in the room, they WILL use it.  Anything you don't want the guest to use, remove it from their access.

I even lock up the thermostat.  People say my space is 'economy' because they don't have access to all the luxuries in my house...I even have a big pool in the back...but no, guests are not allowed.  The reason is that they will take take take take take and not be willing to treat it like it's their own or have that entitled feeling for pennies.  They are paying for a bed, shower, clean and quiet's a room in my house, not the Four Seasons with bell hop and butler.


And don't already be annoyed by guests arriving late.  I don't care what a guest tells me anymore...I don't pay a bit of attention when they say they are going to be at my house at xzy time.  They are always very early or late.  I get the 'I'm five minutes away' and they show up two hours later.  Every. single. guest.  It's part of the business.

It's an adjustment but also fun if you want it to be.  Don't get hung up on small things!

Wow Joana,


Thank you for sharing all that wisdome with me. If you don't mind, I may have to hit you up for some advise every now and again. I definately want to make this a fun experience. I'm looking forward to meeting people from all around the world. I'll be moving the modem out of the room just as soon as they leave and am working on making arrangements to get the guest access for my WiFi established. 


Ethernet is not WIFI so I would have likely made the same mistake as your guest.  Like @Louise0 I might have assumed the host thought that no one would travel with an ethernet cable and so the host didn't suggest using it.

Level 10
New South Wales, Australia

That's awful.  How dare he hook himself into your modem when you've clearly stated that internet access through your network isn't available to guests.


NO ONE travels with an ethernet cable, so he's apparently gone out and bought one especially to hook himself in.  What a disrespectful, dishonest thing to do. 


You're very tolerant.  I would have thrown him out.

@Louise0  I was just traveling last week and moved my ethernet cable from one section of my laptop case to another because I just noticed it was in there.  So yes some people travel with an ethernet cable, unlikely as it seems.

Level 4
Salford, United Kingdom

I'm from the UK here. I have high speed 100mps fibre (and yes that is the actual download and upload speed) and I am happy for anyone to log onto my internet and use it freely. 


I have 3 TVs, guest room, my room and living room all linked to it as well and never have any problems. I am also in the process of wiring Ethernet ports through ceilings and walls so each room can be directly connected to the modem and I will also leave a spare long Ethernet cable in the guest room so they can hook up there laptop etc should they wish it. 


If I was the guest and asked if there was WiFi available and you said no then I wouldn't connect to the WiFi. However if I found a modem with an ethernet port in my room and I had a cable with me then of course I would try and hook up to it. 


I would highly recommend getting high speed internet and having an unlimited package. 

See it this way, business people might want to be doing work online and want a good connection. Travellers will want to keep their memories (pics) backed up to the cloud in case something happens to their devices. 


I've been hosting since June this year and had over 30 guests I think. It's all a learning curve and do whatever makes you happy. So far, I'm spending most of earnings on simply doing up my apartment just to make it nicer for my guests.  Once I'm happy then I'll look forward to spending the profit! 


Good luck!