Air BnB Website Problems

Level 1
Philadelphia, PA

Air BnB Website Problems

All of my requests for booking at coming from "Steve Air BnB", even though they are actually from other people.  I am frustrated that there is no way to contact a person at Air BnB to contact about this problem.  This is not the first problem I have had with the Air BnB website. Can anyone help? Is there a way of sending a complaint to Air BnB?


Thank you,


2 Replies 2
Level 2
Charleston, SC

I have someone who is trying to book a reservation at my home and is having problems  completing his res. He says it will not accept anything he trys to enter concerning his reservation - credit card, etc.   Anyone else having any problems.   

Level 1
Warkworth, New Zealand

I share frustration with the Air bnb website. It seems to me that as they have grown their committment has changed and I am not feeling supported by them.  


I blocked consecutive months as 'unavailable'.  My husband checked a week later and the appropriate dates were still 'blocked'. Then I got a booking during the blocked dates and sure enough, the website had converted 'blocked' to 'available'.  


I had to cancel the guest's reservation, then got what I take as a threatening response from Airbnb about my listing if I continue to cancel.  


Just now I have gone back to the April calendar and another 2 dates were showing as 'available' though the entire month had been previously blocked.  


Does anyone else share this problem?