Airbnb booking statistics

Level 10
Crewkerne, United Kingdom

Airbnb booking statistics

Does anybody know if Airbnb collect and publish booking statistics by location and date?


What I'm trying to find out is when the most bookings are made for different types of properties in different locations. I've read that the average Airbnb booking is 6-7 weeks before the arrival date but that's not been our experience. Also, some sites say things like '95% of properties booked for those dates', and I'd like to dig a bit deeper into this.


I'm not sure it will help my hosting, but I've a personal interest in knowing if there's a pattern to booking.


Is there a day in April I'll wake up and find 30 IBs in my message box?


21 Replies 21
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Ben205  I have seen this question posted several times but I don't think Air BNB shares this information directly.  The information is used in the Smart Pricing option and most feedback about that option is fairly negative.  

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

They used to share this information on the stats page - you use to be able to see when the users where doing the search (over weekends use to have a spike, for example) and by the travel dates. I am really disapointed that they stoped sharing that.

Level 10
Crewkerne, United Kingdom

Thanks @Roberta2 @Linda108. I think I can still see searches made by date, but what I'm hoping to find is amalgamated stats say by town or state. I'd like to know when most of the bookings for my town/ area are made.


I suppose what I'm thinking is, if there's a peak booking period, that's the time to make any promotional effort. And, when that has passed, I can think about discounting or other offers.

Would AirDNA have what you want, @Ben205? It costs, but maybe it is worth it if you need this information.

Level 10
Crewkerne, United Kingdom

Thanks @Lawrene0. AirDNA is new to me, and yes it does have what I want. Do I want to pay $250/ year for it, though, I don't think so! I guess if it brough me an extra booking it would be worth it, but as a single property owner, the data's more a personal interest than about increased revenue.


That said, anybody out there who has used AirDNA (expecially if you have a full-time holiday house to let) and found it to be worthwhile?

@Ben205 HomeAway provides this info to members

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

@Ben205 ,

insideAirbnb does also provide data, but probably not for the region or on the level you want it.

Level 10
Crewkerne, United Kingdom

@Emiel1Thanks. Another site I'm not familiar with! Actually, a bit depressing reading given the impact they're saying Airbnb has in some communities. Not quite the situation in our small town, but something to keep an eye on.

Late to the conversation... recently looked at AirDNA purchased o one month subscription. 

Teresa, How do you like AirDNA? Has it provided useful information and does it provide the Value you were hoping for? If so can you share?

Level 10
Crewkerne, United Kingdom

@Kelly149We're on Owners Direct, too (and Holiday Lettings). I hadn't checked out the MarketMaker feature before but there's a lot of information in there. It would be great if Airbnb made this available, too.


I can't see anything showing when bookings are made, though, can you? There's plenty of other stuff though that I'll look through.


I find we get 90% of our bookings through Airbnb, 9% from Owners Direct and 1% from Holiday Lettings, so it's Airbnb data I'd really like. Perhaps I should just pay AirDNA!

@Ben205 I am the kind of person that really enjoys statistics and this kind of information. I am a frequent visitor to the AirDNA site, but I only browse through the little bits of free data.


The reason I have not (yet) purchased any AirDNA data is that I am already using a automated pricing service (you may have heard people mention Wheelhouse and Beyond Pricing, which are two big ones).


My reasoning is this: The AirDNA data would be very useful and cool, but when you get right down to it, the ultimate purpose of the booking and price data is to help you set the pricing your listing. I already pay to have my prices set by a robot, and the robot supposedly does this based on data that it has (as well as the past performance of my specific listing). I would love to see the detailed AirDNA data, but I would not be able to use it. (Unless I fire the robot.)


So if your ultimate goal with the booking data is to help set your pricing, you might just consider using that money to hire one of the several pricing robots out there.


Level 10
Crewkerne, United Kingdom

@Matthew285If you like stats, have a look at what Owners Direct/ HomeAway gives you. Data like how many people have searched for certain dates in the future. Percentage of properties in my area that are booked on any given day, etc.


I haven't heard about Wheelhouse or Beyond Pricing, so will check then out - thanks for the ideas!



@Ben205 that is the coolest thing ever!

No wonder you want these stats from AirBnB.

Beyond Pricing and Wheelhouse won't provide you with this kind of data. (I don't think they even have it.)


The pricing services concentrate on setting your price, which I guess is the end goal.

(Well, the end goal is actually making more money, but the pricing is a part of that.)


I think AirBnB doesn't share this kind of information because... they don't have to and no one is making them. If OwnersDirect was able to take a larger share of the market and started pulling hosts away, then that might drive AirBnB to share the data they have.