Airbnb called me on behalf of a guest

Level 6
Julian, CA

Airbnb called me on behalf of a guest

I received a call the other day from a lady named Grace from Airbnb who said she was a case manager.   It was regarding a renter that had cancelled a stay at our place.  The reservation was made under the strict cancellation policy guidelines so they would not receive their entire refund back.  The renter told me that they needed to cancel due to an unexpected conflict.  They never said anying that led me to believe that they had extenuating circumstances as mentioned in the Airbnb guidelines warranting a refund.  



After a request from the renter for a refund I searced the airbnb community for an answer.  This was because I was struggling d as to whether make an exception and felt very torn as to what to do.  

You see we added the strict policy since our property is expensive and not easy to get renters on a short notice.  We were aware by holding a reservation for someone that during that time no one else could book it.  This essentially is taking it off the market.  Of couse there is no double booking like an airline does!  


The renter started to plead for a refund in her messages.  After reading the community boards I saw one person in my same position had a wonderful idea.  Offer to refund the stay if it is booked by someone else.  So I offered to do exactly that.  I offered a refund of the amount kept if someone else rented for the same period.  In fact Airbnb added to my listing a 10 % discount on the same period to help entice a potential new renter.  This was not something special for me but something they do for all cancellations from what I understand.  


I offered this to the renter and it was ignored with threats to escalate  with Airbnb.  This was after she initially accused Airbnb of misrepresented its refund policy in a previouse message.  


When Grace called form Airbnb I was surprised since the message said she was claling regarding working out a compromise with the renter.  I was mystified.  Compromise?  She told me that the renter had challenged my decision and that she would be making a decistion soon but wanted to mediate first.  The implication was that I may lose the money so better compromise.  So I asked Grace if they had a death in the family or any other reason that qualified for a refund to which she answered that they did not.  I asked Grace then why she was calling to negotiate on behalf of the renter.  She said she was a case manager and did this for all issues between renters and hosts.  This surely did not sit well with me.  I was being made to feel like a smuck for adhering to the strick refund policy.  She asked me to consider refunding half to which I did not answer.  I asked her why Airbnb does not refund her since they are wanting to help her so.  She said they do not do that.  I asked then why should I?  She said well you are getting the money and I replied yes... I was holding the reservation for her.  


I asked Grace from Airbnb if airlines had such a "case manager" or if Amazon called on behalf of buyers to negotiate refunds with sellers?  She said that she understands what I am saying and that this is just her job.  


I told her that I don't apreciate after all the renters many mesages that now Airbnb is also hounding me to refund her.  The refund when the policy speaks for itself.  


Personally I am torn as to whether to refund this or not.  The part of me that feels justified is the part where  renter accused Airbnb misrepresented thmselves.   Also the renter said that something unexpected came up when actually that was not true.  (Grace told me this was a conflict from another obligation made before the reservation with me.  (by the way I don't think the renters prior information should have been told me in any case)


So to me this is just should never happen.  A policy is a policy.  I don't think any host should have to go through this.  


I thought I was working with the renter by offering to refund if booked by someone else.  I think there is no reason for Airbnb to get involved like they did.  


Thank you for listening.

24 Replies 24
Level 10
Como, CO



It really makes no sense, no other booking service to my knowledge does this.


If they do not want people to be able to selct Strict cancellation policies the obvious solution would be not to offer it.


Your offer to refund if you obtaine a replacement booking is very fair, stick with it.


I am not aware of a 10% automatic reduction after a cancellation, never happened to me. I do keep on getting auto messages to reduce my prices by 10%.


My mistake.   It was voluntary.  I thought it would be a good idea to entice a new booking so I could refund the guest.  

@John143 Never refund to anyone next time whatever the story they will tell you. Good luck!!!

I'm an host and Airbnb in Italy just delete the strictly cancelation policies, maybe to breack in the market, so a guest can delete the booking after the check-in and beeing refunded of the 50%!

Airbnb's policy is to please guests on host skin. If they want to offer a refund in any case they could make insurance policies and do so with their money.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Thank you for a great informative post John. You have given us all something to think about when it comes to cancellations.


Did you think to make her a special offer for dates that may have suited her better. I understand that you have lost the booking potential for this particular period but from what you are saying there is a strong possibility that Airbnb may just go along with this guest....they do after all favour guests in disputes rather than hosts, and you may loose the lot!

50% of something is better than 100% of nothing John!


I disagree.  Airbnb would be on the hook if they violated their own policy.  Also I would not expect a good experience from a guest that started out on the wrong foot.  Also the guest has already played games so I would never approve a dishonest guest.  


Thank you for the reply though.  

@John143, I am paying attention to @Robin4 's suggested 50% of something is better than 100% of nothing: yes, all your points are valid , but like he says, you are risking that Airbnb will overrule your cancellation policy and refund the guest, and you will end up with nothing. we have seen it often enough here in the forums that Airbnb will usually favor guests over hosts.

However, the bargaining that the Airbnb representative did with you, like let's do 50% of a refund , could be seen as them ( Airbnb) having no better recourse than that to please the guest. Otherwise they wouldn't even bargain with you, they would just go with their extenuating circumstances or guest policy refund to override you.

As you say, it seems that "extenuating circumstances" will not come into play. The other way they could override your policy is " Guest refund Policy" by validating a "travel issue".  As it is, I think you are immune to that also:

So I think there is an excellent chance for you to just sit tight and ultimately have your cancellation policy honored.

Do let us know please how it plays out - it would be good for all of us here to know! Thank you, and good luck!


I found your whole attitude on this refund situation completely refreshing. I think you should do whatever you feel comfortable doing. Don't be bullied into going against your morals.  Once you make  an acception one time It becomes a slippery slope of others taking advantage of kind And considerately people like yourself.  Stick to your policy, otherwise it couldneapordise it for others and their own policy's & rules. Good luck & thank you for sharing furring your rough patch. Stay positive.

Annette, I don't see how I am at risk when there are not extenuating circumstances.  A policy is legally enforcable.  

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Possibly right John, in hindsight this guest does not seem a reasonable hosting prospect, but she has only become unreasonable because of your stance....and I dare say if the tables were reversed you would feel a bit miffed if you lost a sustantial amount of money in the blink of an eye.

Obviously this guest is not one to be accommodated now, but it wasn't always like that. In this business just as in any other you have to be to a certain extent conciliatory. Of course the rules are the rules, and you have every right to stand your ground, after all, what's the point of having a cancellation policy if you can't avail yourself of it!

But when this cancellation business first came up if you had explored the alternatives instead of simply digging your heels in you may have been able to arrive at a solution that could have been beneficial to everyone. When she required a cancellation you were always going to be in a damage minimisation situation and that is why I brought up the alternate price and dates thing. There is a possibility that you could have resolved the whole thing before it escalated into a resolution centre issue. I had exactly the same situation, offered the guest an offer they could not refuse and they turned out to be extermely appreciative, the hosting went well and I might have suffered a minor hit as far as the money was concerned but, I ended up with a 5 star review!


I have had a lifetime of working with people John! It's hard, everyone has a differing idea of what's fair and what's not. In my working life I had a mechanical services company employing 27 people, so I have learned the benefits of always keeping the cards on the table, exploring paths of opportunity.

With my hosting, I have a flexible cancellation policy, I do not list a security deposit, I don't expect problems, and by and large, I don't get them! There is always a way around just need to use a bit of latteral thinking at times.

You can stand your ground John and talk about rule violations and playing games but the end result will suffer!


Dear Robin,  I did offer a compromise.  Please re-read.  I offered to refund if I rebooked.   She did not want other dates or I would of offered them.  I know this due to the fact that she said to me that she wanted to stay another time "perhaps" yet did not ask to change her dates.   She is an educated lady and would have figured this out.  I had my own business for over 25 years in taxation and also at a major airline dealing with similar experiences.  The best policy is to stay with the rules except in extenuating circumstances.  Yet still....   Earch time I struggle with taking a hard line.


I will share a story with you.   Many years ago I met a man on the street that needed a place to stay.  He was very sweet and was very convincing that he just needed to get cleaned up so he could get a job.  I let him stay at our house and on the 2nd day I received a call from my credit card company.  Over $5000 in purchaes were made at Nordstroms the prior day.  I never shopped at Nordstroms (more of a thrift store kind of guy) so that raised a flag.  I received the call at my office so immediately went home only to find he was gone.  I decided to drive to Nordstroms to find the guy since I was not happy and there he was.....   He was at the park with a suit and new shores looking like a million bucks sitting on a bench.  


I said never again and my wife said "told you so"


So from that day forward it became "Trust but Verify"   


This lady misrepresented herself from the beginning.  Doubled down on misrepresentation.  Yet I still understood that she was desperate, like the homeless man.  That is what tugged at my heart.  

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


I understand entirely what you are saying John....and maybe I am that man that you were years ago when you came across that thief!

I have never had that happen to me! I guess you could say at the age of 73 I am still that glass half full person rather than a glass half empty one. 

Home hosting has compounded that feeling of confidence because across a couple of platforms with 110+ hostings under the belt I have only ever met wonderful people with only one guest who I would not gladly want to see walk into my life again.

John, I hope you can come out of this with Airbnb supporting you and I wish you all the best for the future.


Thank you and age is wisdom so I heard everything that you said.  I too have only had only  5 star feedback  yet only 50 reviews.  If you can read between the lines my posting was I think to ease my conscience!   That says a lot there too!

Just looked at your bio.  My wife has secondary progressive MS and I founded a non profit called San Diego Down Syndrome since I have 2 children with Down syndrome.  I am a blessed man for I have learned much from these experiences.  I am more patient and sensitive than the jerk I use to be!  Thank God for all the blessings easy or difficult!