Airbnb don't send me money

Level 2
Hurghada, Egypt

Airbnb don't send me money

For more then one month Airbnb don't send me my money.

I receiving messages, that money was send, but it don't come ti my account.

I send messages about it, but don't receive answers.

Sometimes I feel that they ignore my messages, because few answers they send was completely in different subgect. 

Is it happening with you? what can I do in this situation?


5 Replies 5
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Irina4  When I get paid, Air BNB sends message that the payout was made.  Almost immediately I get a message that Payoneer has a deposit.  If you are not notified the payout is received but Air BNB has notified the payout is sent, it might be a problem with the bank or however you receive payments.  Good luck!!

now almost 3 month no money. I have no problem with my Bank. they just ask to mention purpose of transaction and company name. But airbnb ignore all my messages and requirements of my Bank

Level 2
Hurghada, Egypt

I received all my payments till the beginning of this year. But from the beginning of this year. I stopped to receive my money.


I visit my bank. They told me, that Airbnb company start to send money without mentioning name of the company. 

Bank cant accept money from no one. 

I send a lot of messages to Airbnb. 


They ignore my messages. No answers, no suggestions. More then one month no money. And I have many apartments. Almost every day I have new guests

i feel so disappointed. 


Start to concentrate more on

Level 1
Vienna, Austria

When the money comes guest here since yesterday but no money

Level 2
Hurghada, Egypt

Now almost 3 month no money from airbnb