Airbnb message that people booked other listings

Level 4
Clunes, Australia

Airbnb message that people booked other listings

Hi fellow hosts,


I have a query about a message that pops up in my calendar from time to time "Your listing appeared in a search for this night but people booked other listings that are about $XX less per night"  


Does anyone know if the "other listing" that was booked would be comparable to my listing (eg, entire house, 2 bedrooms, 5 guests, generous breakfast provided)?  Is Airbnb really comparing 'apples with apples' or does this message simply mean that someone viewed my listing but may have booked a space that was quite different, eg, a 1 bedroom studio with basic breakfast?  


Thanks in advance.

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Margy6  Pay no attention to those silly messages. Many hosts have reported that after diligent research, they determined that it was total B.S. Even if they were compared to what Airbnb tacks on our pages about "similar listings" it's apples to oranges. The "similar listings" to mine are twice the price, or a barren room with one flat pillow, and the only one that's the same price is a "monster truck on the beach" with a bare dirt yard and an outhouse. 

The one and only purpose of those messages is to get you to lower your price to some absurd level so Airbnb can get more bookings, it's nothing to do with them being oh so concerned for you.

Some hosts have gotten messages that they could increase bookings if they lowered their price to $XX, when they were, in fact, at 100% occupancy.

The computer bot is mentally challenged.

@Sarah977Thanks, I thought that was probably the the case.  I was also amused to see listings in another town with the same name as mine come up, even though it's 1700kms away.  The joys of technology.

Yep - guests booked other listings - mine! 

They dont compare apples, or even oranges, they just want to force the price down so you get booked and they get paid. I completely ignore their suggestions.

Level 1
Orlando, FL

Hi guys, thanks for being a part of this AIRBNB. I am so much blessed to entertain my guest and to serve them. And i am so much blessed my first guest i met, they are sweet and neat people. Our property is located in Barefoot Circle Sebastian Florida. Everyone are welcome to see me and Enjoy the golf course views from this spacious 2/2 home. Walk to the 19th hole for dining/entertainment/cocktails.


ABB comparisions are NEVER comparable listings. I get those 'you can get more bookings if you lower the price' messages AND 'people booked other listings that are about $XX less per night' messages when I'm at 100% occupancy for the next couple months. (I host long-term exchange student guests for entire semesters)


It's best to ignore price tips from ABB.