@Margy6 Pay no attention to those silly messages. Many hosts have reported that after diligent research, they determined that it was total B.S. Even if they were compared to what Airbnb tacks on our pages about "similar listings" it's apples to oranges. The "similar listings" to mine are twice the price, or a barren room with one flat pillow, and the only one that's the same price is a "monster truck on the beach" with a bare dirt yard and an outhouse.
The one and only purpose of those messages is to get you to lower your price to some absurd level so Airbnb can get more bookings, it's nothing to do with them being oh so concerned for you.
Some hosts have gotten messages that they could increase bookings if they lowered their price to $XX, when they were, in fact, at 100% occupancy.
The computer bot is mentally challenged.